Prposal Results For: ~~ARCHON proposal: Convert HBD to HIVE using @tipu memo:swap on @archon-gov; Power Up~~: Failed due to not enough votes

in Archon4 years ago

Result: Failed due to not enough votes
Title: ARCHON proposal: Convert HBD to HIVE using @tipu memo:swap on @archon-gov; Power Up
By: @ecoinstats

Users For (49.40569788602977 GP Total):
@taskmanager with 7.9983530427266825 GP
@melinda010100 with 3.975893351116776 GP
@ecoinstant with 9.630268793952567 GP
@bashadow with 0.5951693018704725 GP
@ecoinstats with 6.390183002946931 GP
@quintaesencia with 5.603999061738984 GP
@tmps with 0.005158438528508699 GP
@prize.hoard with 2.350372122230462 GP
@brofund with 9.366003881176102 GP
@ronavel with 0.0020805765450917233 GP
@allsway with 0 GP
@discohedge with 3.4882163131971886 GP

Users Against (0 GP Total):

ARCHON proposal: Convert HBD to HIVE using @tipu memo:swap on @archon-gov; Power Up is considered Failed due to not enough votes

(images were pulled from proposal at