ArchonTribe 108: News, Contests, Winners, And Rewards!

in Archon8 months ago

Hello everyone! 😎

The 108th weekly edition of the ArchonTribe News is online!

We support communities with our automated tools and services and here are the news, contests, winners, and rewards for the best content from the ArchonTribe-powered communities!



👉 DVS token is operational!
DVS token is fully functional! You need to stake DVS to get an upvote which depends on how much DVS stake you have. Read more details here!

👉 Daily passive income from Hive-Engine tokens
@taskmanager, the main Archon brain, prepared a very useful tool where you can delegate staked Hive-Engine tokens and receive a daily share of that tokens pool in the DHEDGE token. Right now, you can delegate HIVE, LEO, POB, ALIVE, BEE, NEOXAG, WAIV, CENT, CINE, CTP, STEM, ONEUP, and SLOTHBUZZ.
But there's more! Take a look at DHEDGE BETA.

👉 Commenting with !DHEDGE to any main post (not to comment, yet) will call our token curation accounts and upvote that post based on the tribe tags post used. Read the details here !DHEDGE Comment Command For Upvotes. Good posts in all ArchonTribe Communities get a !DHEDGE vote from @archonapp!

👉 Interested in DHEDGE Drips? Take a look at DHEDGE Daily Reports and Expected Total Drips or the Holders As Curators?

👉 Micro-earnings

👉 Dapps news

You can also check Daily Archon Mining Report And Community Curated Posts with the most viewed posts by Archon Community and stats about Archon governance.


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Contests winners and rewards!

Shadow Hunters (SMaSh) - Show me a Shadow contest round 289, hosted by @melinda010100, winners are (in no particular order): @dzaky12, @pinkchic, @bloghound, @taniagonzalez, @farm-mom, @ellenripley, @silversaver888, @labibasultana, @naniplayergamer, and @jindara13.

Each winner received 200 Ecency POINTS by @ecency, 3 LOH by @ladiesofhive, 2 QUEERH by @queercoin, 2 LEN by @seckorama, 2 ARCHON by @ecoinstant, 1 HSBI by @melinda010100, and an entry into @pixresteemer's Re-hive contest.

Honorable mentions @lesmann, @castri-ja, and @mysteriousroad.

Each received 100 Ecency POINTS, 2 ARCHON by @ecoinstant, 40 FOODIE by @sirenhippie, and 1HSBI from @melinda010100!

Each participant received an Ecency Points tip.


You can enter Shadow Hunters/SMaSh contest round 290 here, rewards 56 ARCHON, 30 LOH, 20 QUEER, 20 LEN, 120 FOODIE, 13 HSBI, and 2300 Ecency POINTS!

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Reflection Hunters contest round 135, hosted by @olgavita, winners are (in no particular order): @gems.and.cookies, @hindavi, @shaonshs, @landrover007, and @apnigrich.

Each received 1 HIVE coin from the prize fund, 200 Ecency Points by @ecency and @dodovietnam, 2 POB by @wesphilbin, 2 ARCHON, and 2 CTP by @seckorama.

Honorable mentions @lileisabel, @gunting, and @nusrat01.
They received 100 Ecency points each.

@sagarkothari88 gives additional Ecency points to each winner and Honourable Mentions!

Each participant received an Ecency Points tip.


Enter Reflection Hunters contest round 136 here, rewards 5 Hive, 10 POB, 12 CINE, 10 ARCHON, 25 CTP, and 1800 Ecency POINTS!

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Feathered Friends - SMaP (Show Me A Photo) Contest Round 136, hosted by @nelinoeva, winners are (in no particular order): @thebigsweed, @hadrianwild, @hindavi, @joanstewart, @corvidae, and @portal-xenna.

Each winner received 2 HIVE, 1 ARCHON by @ecoinstant, 500 Ecency Points by @ecency and @barbara-orenya. Also, 0,1 HP by @sagarkothari88.


Enter Feathered Friends - SMaP (Show Me A Photo) Contest Round 137 here!
Rewards 10 HIVE, 5 ARCHON, and 2500 Ecency Points!

New rewards, read this - Feathered Friends Meet Leo Finance in Threading and How To Thread In Leo.

Vote for Bird of the Week 40!

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Ladies of Hive Contest #154, hosted by @ladiesofhive, winners are:

First place
@kemmyb for the post Are Little Dreams Possible?
Received Grand Prize 3 Hive, 7 LEO tokens, 7 LOH tokens, 4 QEER tokens, and 300 Ecency Points.

@suezoe for the post Close to the end and without fear of success / Cerca del fin y sin miedo al éxito;
Received prizes 2 HIVE, 5 LOH tokens, 4 LEO tokens, 3 QUEERH tokens and 150 Ecency Points.

@mitch18 for the post What I wish before I die?;
@alfjo1 for the post LOH #154 entry (it's never too late);
@rulirecomienda for the post ¿Qué me hubiera gustado hacer en vida, si muriese mañana?;
@glotokens for the post Even if money was not involved I will be Happy to Sing, Teach and To Do Photography😁😁;
@actioncats for the post If I died tomorrow and had money always at my disposal;
Received prizes 1 HIVE, 3 LOH tokens, 2 LEO tokens, 2 QUEERH tokens and 50 Ecency Points.

@sagarkothari88 sends a small amount of actual HIVE POWER (HP) directly to the accounts of everyone on the Winners List! Thank you for doing this for the LOH community! 💜

Everyone who participated received a LADY (LOH) token.


Enter Ladies of Hive Community Contest #155 here!
Rewards 15 HIVE, 30 LEO tokens, 19 QUEER tokens, 1000 Ecency Points, and LADY(LOH) tokens for participation!

Must read! 3rd Anniversary of Ladies of Hive

New rewarding opportunities!

Vote for Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK - Week 26

Ladies of Hive and Pepe Token


You are ALL invited to participate in these contests!

If you decide to post in these communities, please, READ CAREFULLY the terms, conditions, and rules for each contest.

There are more than 50 HIVE rewards in contests pools, more than 5000 @ecency POINTS, and many other tokens (ARCHON, LEO, LEN, CINE, QUEER, Lady(LOH), and more)

Did you know that all ArchonTribe communities distributed $108,435.00 rewards (to authors $52,651 and to curators $55,781) in the year 2022? Source
13,986 members of these communities could get it!

And remember the Important benefits of ArchonTribe communities:

Feel free to ask this and many other questions in The Official Archon/UpFundMe Discord channel.


The Future Is Bright!

Stay Tuned!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 177 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @archonapp, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Wow thanks so much.
I really appreciate

Thank you so much♥️

Thank you very, very much for the mention

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @seckorama.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

Support Ecency
Vote for new Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more

Archon Communities rock! Congrats to everyone featured this week!



This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @melinda010100! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.leo
- @dhedge.bee
- @dhedge.ctp
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.cent
- @dhedge.neoxag
- @dhedge.waiv
- @dhedge.cine

@melinda010100 has 6 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends and gain access to upvote rounds on your posts from @dhedge. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at