The Philosophy of Valentine’s Day.

in DCooperation2 years ago (edited)


It is undeniable that love plays a vast and unavoidable role in our several cultures and can be expressed in so many forms you find it in song, romantic film, and novels. Philosophically, the nature of love has been examined since the time of the Ancient Greeks, various philosophers has produced theories based from the materialistic conception of love. For every desire we are in pursuit of be it likeness, act of kindness, pleasure or affection it’s all falls down to love. It is the general name for whatever brings that feeling of happiness we share as a whole.

There are several stories on how Valentine’s Day started, and I wouldn’t want to bore you with so much stories about who he was, what came about the name being celebrated till date. It a popular belief that he was a priest from Rome in the Third Century who believed to have broken the rules on banned marriages and arranged marriages instead. For this act, He was sentenced to death and thrown into jail. And while he was in prison, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter and on the day he was taken to be executed was on February 14 and it was believed he sent her a letter “from your Valentine.” That is the theory on how the day got its name and was being celebrated and how letters were written from that time and the name was used by people express their feelings of love for one another.

This day, February 14 has come to stay. A day where love, friendship, and peace is appreciated. It’s also a day where many people take the best chance and express how they feel. Some remain anonymous and others make the whole world know about their love and those they cherish. Whatever the case may be, Valentine’s day is a day that might be believe to be associated with some dark origins but had became a positive day that is celebrated with love. To some people they take Valentine’s Day lightly or do not even believe in it story and don’t celebrate it all and others take it to heart. Regardless of where we may fall on that spectrum, we can all agree and see that it has turned into something very beautiful, anything that is given from the heart is worth remembering.

According to @giantbear in his post When trust is broken it can't be repaired easily

Most people are so into themselves that they don't really care about anyone else and only think about themselves.

To this end, my philosophy is that Love isn’t just made for one day, it should be made available always always to everyone around us be it Valentine’s Day or not. Cherish every moment you spend with your partner or loved ones by appreciating their efforts.

Thanks for reading