Understanding Self-confidence and Ways to Build it


Having self-confidence means one thing, trust in oneself because having self-confidence, one can do anything that is, trusts your judgments, and your abilities. Self-confidence determines how you value yourself no matter the flaws you think you have because no one is perfect.
Gaining self-confidence requires some techniques and these techniques are techniques that will help us feel better about ourselves.

Some of these techniques are; learning to stand your ground against decisions that can be a burden, depression, or anger. Some people are used to saying yes to things that won’t favor them because they have low self-esteem, saying no does not mean you are rude or anything resentful but it’s you having a say in situations that won’t favor you or be a burden.

Being assertive is also a way of building self-confidence, assertive means being self-assured and confident in yourself or your decisions without being rude in the situation; it’s about you want them to respect your decisions as you have respected theirs.

Another way is sticking to what you are good at because so many of us try to do so many things at a time because we want to feel adventurous but at the same time it can cause low self-esteem. If you are good at acting, stick to acting, if you are good at singing or dancing, stick to them and don’t feel intimidated about what others are trying to do. Once you discover what you are good at, you will enjoy it and it will help boost your confidence.

Setting a goal is another important factor in building self-confidence, and in doing so, one can achieve his/her confidence and overcome nervousness when a goal is set. For example, setting a goal of joining a social group, community group or volunteer work can help achieve high self-esteem.

Setting the goals should not be too high or too low, because when it’s too high, it can make one underconfident or insufficiently confident in oneself. While too low goals, can be achieved because one can become overconfident.


In a simple definition, confidence believes or having faith in oneself that one can do anything, confidence can also be called self-esteem. Once we have self-esteem or confidence, no one can make us feel less.

But often time’s people are not able to differentiate between self-esteem and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is when we master skills and feel confident in them to achieve goals, it encourages us to accept challenges and keep moving forward.

Some confident behaviors one can also exhibit are;

You must be willing to do anything or take risks to achieve what you want to achieve.


Must be willing to accept, learn and admit your mistakes and move on from them instead of dwelling on them and not willing to accept them.

Being able to accept your flaws and do what’s right even if there are times people will mock you for it.

Having confidence brings out positivity and value in you.
It’s so sad that people struggle to have self-confidence because it is what we need to pass through our daily life and to achieve our goals to be successful.

Also to have self-confidence, there must be continuously learning, keep on learning from present and past experiences to build yourself and achieve what you want to achieve.
According to @adaobi in Dear YOUTH IN WAITING,

I'm asking you to prepare now because you will not stand before kings with the kind of mentality you have, you will not stand before kings with your low self-esteem and confidence, and you will not stand before kings with the same thought patterns and awful language. There is a level of preparation you need to attain.

Because engaging/communicating with people is a must and important, then with self-confidence we can do these while maintaining eye contact without shivering.

A typical example of exercising self-confidence is when you are an actor, and you are given a movie script to read, meditate and prepare for a movie role with a top movie star, if you have prepared and developed yourself very well, there won’t be any point for you shivering, scared or fidgeting because you are in front of a star or celebrating, because you have prepared, mentally, physically and emotionally.

In conclusion, confidence is the key to success and actualizing or achieving your goals in life.



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