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RE: Simple Habits Of Successful People - Be Your Own Success In The Most Easiest Ways

in DCooperation3 years ago

The day before Yesterday, I had a plan of how the rest of my day was going to be like yesterday. Then when I woke up, I immediately knew that I wasn't going to achieve my written down plans. How did I know?
I woke up late and reluctant.. there was a burden on my shoulder and I guess it was in my head instead. I still went about my activities but with less zeal, I just did what I could and that was it. Where am I going with this?
Sometimes, things might not go according to your plan. They're bound to be days when your body just doesn't want to follow your lead, or your mind is just too tired. What do you do then??
That's where good health and proper resting comes in. There's no need to push your body and mind to the extreme, take a break, breath in, breath out, go for a walk relax and get back your strength. When you do this, gather enough vibe to make up for the lost day. The most successful people in the world arnt the best hard workers, they just discovered what works for them and mastered it to the fullest and then they shared their knowledge with others and also learnt from others. Learning can never stop no matter what stage you reach in this life. Be open minded, be humble, have a good listening ear and you'll see how things would turn out and like @readthisplease post taught me, going slowly is the fastest way to achieve your aim(not his exact words).

Nice one @merit.ahama you're destined for greatness. You're ❤️


Amazing feedback!!! Thanks for adding more backbone to my article 😉

And for your plans not going as planned sometimes, it's all part of the plans actually. It can't be perfectly followed but you've got to have a plan to follow.

I appreciate your kind wishes, have a nice day ahead