in DCooperation3 years ago


One thing I learned growing up as a kid is how great faith is. This gave birth to the strong belief in my religion as Christian.

Having a strong belief in the God we do not see and so far things have been working out(faith)

Faith is total trust in what we hope for and an assurance that what we hope for is going to work out

The mystery behind faith is that it does not base on proof this brings me to share the Bible verses Hebrew 11vs 1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

@dominion-yusuf gave more insight into faith in a post titled faith in God he explained what faith is and having faith in God.

Faith is a strong belief that would happen even though it hasn't happened. It's a strong belief in something that defies all doubt.

Faith is not just based on Christianity. The keyword behind faith " having strong belief" implies whatever religion we might be from the strong belief we have becomes our FAITH.

Faith works out when virtue is been added and help us live in confidence.
Having faith in God is a strong belief in God's word that every of his word will come to fulfillment. Faith in God comes with a great prize



Whatever we believe either good or bad comes forth one way or the other so having faith, a strong belief in God even when you are going through a rough time that it will become smooth will eventually come out smooth.


Hope and faith works in accordance, having total trust (faith) in what you want increases your expectations which is hope


When there's is a strong belief there's room for a high rate of success which is giving room to optimism.


faith comes with a strong belief in your belief which gives room for more confidence in your religion.

Faith is not just believing in God but also being prone to other things, the important part about faith is complete trust.

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog

Picture used in this post is own edited by me using canva


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I like this.

It's like what we were taught in school, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen.

Perfectly sums it up don't you think?


Yay! 🤗
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