A Part Of Nature I Want To Explore More

in DCooperation3 years ago

Are Animals not part of nature? That was a question I asked when I went through the #ecotrain and #nature tags to find a post about animals but I found only a few about animals and I felt like "Maybe Plants are the main nature and not animals".

Well, that part of nature that is being less posted about is the part I would love to explore more about... Animals. I want to see more animal posts but I guess maybe I would have to go through free sites and other places to find them 😂

Nature is everywhere... That's what we always say and I thought I should say it too. It is everywhere because almost everything in this world is natural except of course man-made productions which most of them were also made from nature.

Everyone would agree without doubt that nature has given so much benefits to the life of humans. Nature include the air, water, land, plants, and others. A part of our beloved nature are also the Animals.

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Images gotten from here and edited with Canva app

Animals add more beauty to nature if you look at those pictures closely, animals are fascinating to watch from my little experience... Little wonder why they are displayed in the zoos for amusement.

I've never been to the zoo before but thanks to technology, I get to see them on TV channels and watch their diversities and uniqueness among themselves.

Believe me when I say, I don't know what my first reaction would be if I were to see some of these animals especially the wildlife ones in reality.... Maybe I'd be so scared or maybe I'd be very excited but one thing is sure, I want to see and explore them.

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Mammals like horses are on my bucket list to see and maybe ride on them... Yeah, maybe because I think I may be too scared to ride on one 😂 but I think seeing them in reality still counts and would take it out of my bucket list.

I've seen lots of movies and even on animal channels where people do races with horses and also ride on it for fun, it was so amusing just watching them... One would imagine how it would feel to get to ride on them in reality.

I've seen the domestic ones enough, I want to explore the wildlife someday.

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Images gotten from here and edited with Canva app

My brother taught me something without him realizing it... And that is to watch insects when I see any. I find myself leaving every other thing I was supposed to do and watch what they are doing. Some times I do end up killing them if they are up to no good in my room though 🤣 but I know for sure that I love watching them.

Especially the ants, their cooperation to get food into their houses still amuses me every time. They do know their rainy and dry days and they store for the rainy days... So amazing when I watch them assisting each other to get that done.

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Another kinds of insect I would love to explore are the Bees especially on how they produce their honey and why they sting so badly. I had once experienced a bee sting and it has been unforgettable 😂 well, I was the stubborn one then so you won't blame the bee.

Butterflies, grasshoppers, beetles and many more, I've seen a lot of them but I know there are millions I haven't seen... I want to explore them.

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Images gotten from here and edited with Canva app

I've once stayed out for more than an hour doing nothing aside looking up the sky waiting for a bird to coming flying but none came around and I didn't stop searching until I found one on a tree. While the skies and trees may look amazing and beautiful, birds give them the final touch of beauty...

How they feed, fly so high and even make those melodious sounds... Are all amusing to me. The first time I saw a bird with different colors of feathers, I screamed in awe and others around looked at me 🙈 but I couldn't hide how surprised I was... It was so beautiful.

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Just when I was thinking I saw it all about birds, I saw a peacock... A very proud one at a friend's neighborhood, and I kept looking at it trying to count it's eyes 😂 I even forgot I went there to visit a friend. The peacock kept its feathers spread out, I knew it was trying to keep showing off to me but I loved it more and kept watching until I had to go home.

Seeing a bird with different colors and a peacock that beautiful, I knew I had more of exploring to do... I want to explore them.

The fishes aren't exempted but I would love to stop here and maybe get to read your comments about animals and your experiences with them.

I'll end with what @yakubenko said in her post titled A Trip To The Forest

I really love the forest. I would even live near the forest.
I also love mountains. I love the sea.
Therefore, I would like to live near the forest or near the mountains or not far from the sea.
I love nature, so I would love to live near such beauty.

I would love to explore the forest, sea, mountains and everything about nature too...🥰

This is my entry to the DCC Contest and you are invited to participate too

Thanks for reading!!!


Wow girl how you explained whole the animal kingdom from mammals to insects haha fishes and reptiles are missing lol
Bees produce honey as they have to do it 😅 and what would be your reaction if the tiger comes out for the screen 🥴 haha
For me, fishes and frogs are so innocent 🤣 as I have performed many dissections on them 🤫

😂 I didn't want the post to be too long so I excluded fishes and reptiles but I also do want to explore them.

You've dissected innocent frogs and fishes? 🤣 That's so wicked of you Ayesha

Hehe, I felt you were inviting everyone from the animal kingdom, snakes and lizards might get angry as you ignored them because of fear 😂
It's compulsory to dissect them and believe me at the end I pay my best regards on their funeral 🤣😁

😂 You're so funny, at least you pay your best regards so it's settled then