Falling in Faith || Original Poem

in DCooperation3 years ago


With some shyness, it peeks the nose to the abyss,
the same of which they always told you to move away
You never doubted the motive or had second thoughts about it,
why do it?
Why get admitted by the same nothing that so lethal painted?

Two or three steps later,
nothing is looking at tempting and sensual before your eyes.
In the cliff of uncertainty, being king of the vast invisible plain,
the sun camouflaged between stormy clouds.

Your feet are firm on earth,
but nothing of that tranquility seems to calm you already,
it is only part of a drowned criterion fight. The breeze caresses you,
while whispers in your ear,
unintelligible phrases and a surge of trust inside.

In your resurrection,
you give one, two, three respirators,
and then one more,
no longer prisoner from inertia,
The earthquake threatens to collapse as a storage summit,
but the soil does not move,
the foundations remain firm and resistant to any imperious external threat.

Look at the sky, looking for signs,
but nothing shines more than your own interior,
Sailing to drift in your own construction.
Expectant that something else stops you, but with the iron conviction that nothing could be otherwise,
You give a last exhalation,
delegating the universe and its eternal protection,
and with the impulse of your soul, you put up your faith,
The abyss never looked so tempting....

@mrenglish wrote a thoughtful post This Time Tomorrow sharing his faith in good and better tommarow.

Someone isn't getting it yet.
Nothing you have or would have is given you by your ability. If you do not believe that, then you need to ask uncle Job bow all he had was ravaged in a day and his sound mind and health dealt with. The most popular thing he was asked to do was to curse God and die but he held up his faith that God would be to his aid. At some point, he decided even if God would not help him out, he would still believe. Glory to God that he waited and prayed for his friends and said:
I know my redeemer lives.

My entry for the DCC contest organized by @clixmoney, check out the contest post here
Let's support #faith 😊👍


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