🎵 Hive Music Festival - Week 5 - "The Animals Come" (Original Song)

in HIVESICIANS4 years ago (edited)

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On a rainy day in Austin, Texas, here's a song that remembers and respects the truth: Water is life. This song celebrates the water protectors of the sky, sea, land, and all nations. Everyone benefits when we take care of our water, along with our other natural resources too. Taking care of our nature is taking care of ourselves, and each other, honoring the water bearers we all are.

The animals come from the sky
Hummingbird heron butterfly
Swimming swans
Gracing the water

Up where the eagles reach
Higher than the mountain peaks
Breezing through clouds
Blessing the water

The animals come from the sea
Salmon marlin beaver otter
Great blue whales
Gracing the water

Down where the dolphins rise
From the darkness to the daylight
Blasting through waves
Blessing the water

The animals come from the land
Buffalo turtle mountain lion
A doe and her fawn
Gracing the water

Out where the lone wolf howls
Crying out loud hallelu
Braving a blizzard
Blessing the water

The animals come from all nations
Red yellow black white four directions
Little children
Gracing the waters

Out where the warriors stand
Peaceful prayerful hand-in-hand
Being in ceremony
Blessing the water

▶️ 3Speak


Dude, you're awesome!

here, wrote a verse for you:

The animals are you and me
building our communit-ee
hmmm hmmm hmmm
hard working blockchain bees

:) thank you for that lovely song. made me smile.

:) Good verse! Definitely fits the song's vibe, plus relates to Hive, bzzzreehee. Brilliant. Thank you, and my pleasure.

Wow wow wow... Truly the best is always made to wait. An audience that has accompanied you from the beginning of your presentation. We are happy that you brought your music, your talent, your vibes to this great musical party. Welcome to this other space dedicated to you, the musicians.


Hey @edwardstobia thanks for all the ways you're showing encouragement to your fellow musicians, including me. I really appreciate you. High-five!

Thanks for sharing your music on the Hive Blockchain!

We just sent you a 100% upvote 🕺

Accordingly, we formally invite you to the World of Music Community on Hive. We would love to see your music there! 🎵🗺️

Sweet, thank you. OK, I'll check out your community fo sho!

Geeat! 👍😀
I like it too much...