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RE: LET'S JAM! | ¡Ganadores Primera Semana! | First Week Winners!

in HIVESICIANS4 years ago

You're very talented, you deserve this and much more. I really admire your creativity, and I encourage you to keep making music. I identified with many things you said, it touched my heart. I hope that Let's Jam becomes a space that motivates you to keep showing all the talent you have. I send you a hug. Congratulations!

Posted using Dapplr


I don't know what to say..
Thank you so so much for your kind, encouraging words! I am humbled...
I am so happy to have found let's jam (and the hivesicians community at large), I've always wanted a wonderful, warm place where I can share my music.. I have been writing and recording for years, and it's fun, I really do it because I enjoy it, but now, I can share my music with incredible musicians and music lovers.. Its like a dream come true...
I'm here to stay!