Backyard Ultra - World Team Championships 2022, 7th hour

in Ultra Running2 years ago (edited)

The 2022 edition of the Backyard Ultra World Team Championships is in full swing, in the seventh lap already. Most of the participants are still running and collecting points for their national teams.

You can follow the vents around the world with help of official links:

Live YT broadcast
Leaderboard (google docs spreadsheet)
Laz's hourly updates

The spreadsheet is really informative. It gives you a great big picture of the standings.

Of course, it's way too early to tell how the situation will turn out. We need to wait for a couple of days more.

Backyard Ultra Championships articles

14.10.2022 - Backyard Ultra - World Team Championships 2022
19.10.2021 - Big Dog's Backyard Ultra World Championships - LIVE NOW With WORLD RECORD In Making!

better and better
:ervin :lemark


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