it was refreshing

in Ultra Running2 years ago

This Sunday in Kranj a lunatic asylum was on a field trip. 12 hours run was on in the city centre. We started at 7 am and finished, more or less, at 7 pm. A lap around the main square was 1292 meters long. A lot of looping the laps.

Did I mention it was a hot early summer day?

This is not a report, just an interim post with a great sequence of photos taken by my friend Peter.

From 9 am onward with every lap that I did I also dipped the hat in the fountain. It was a matter of survival to be cooled down and hydrated.

Imagine doing this sixty times or there about :)

In the end, it was satisfaction with the accomplishment. It was a great day.

Do I really look so thin?

Better and better
:ervin :lemark


wow, loony tunes that is... could you run alternate laps counter clockwise? during covid lockdown we participated in a virtual ultramarathon (my wife...i just did 15kms) running around our house and garden which was approximately 60 meters.... man does one leg and hip work overtime running permanently one way... so we did 10 clockwise, ten anticlockwise...

well done on enduring 12 hours {removes hat in respect}

Thanks and kudos to your wife and you for running an extremely tight loop. 60 meters ... wow.

No, we didn't alternate directions. The lap is not entirely flat and there are some inner corners so the burden is not really one-sided. At least not all the time :)

Yes, there is a habit of changing directions when running these ultras on ovals. Like track & field stadium track for example.


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Very impressive. How many people were running? I've never done any event like that, but it would be interesting to see how far I could go. Hope you are recovering well.


Thanks. It was fun :)

How many? let me count the finishers...

80 on 12H
53 on 6H

I am doing great. Already running each day, of course, keeping the streak.



That's cool. I admire your dedication to the streak. I'm happy enough running a few times each week.


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