
Trying, but it's hard to plan for the end of the World. The Bible tells us what to do, I'm just doing it!

I was blessed with good neighbors too, and that means a lot....


The only thing in man's hand is to work hard, if man does that then success is sure to come and if man himself is good, then he also finds the people ahead of him good, the way you have found all the neighbours

I've found most people are good, especially if they know you values them. Treat people as important, and they will be better people; to try to match your opinion of them! So you can make better neighbors, by the way you interact with them....


It is also a fact that when a person meets people, if someone respects you, they will surely respect you. This is a special thing.

Treat with respect, and you will receive respect. Easier to build a community that way! This raises your survival possibilities.

If a person treats someone with respect, then the other person will also respect us, if not in this way, then we are also seeing relationships with him in which there is no respect at all.

This is true, the more respect you show, the more you will receive! This is also why there is a lack of respect right now, most liberals refuse to show any respect to anyone!

So news media and politics on the liberal side have deservedly lost all public respect.
