Never-Ending Errands

in Daily Blog13 days ago


One thing to keep me productively busy is to run errands. Adulting life has brought so much responsibilities and I could have no other way to say no to that.

After running a couple of errands at some government offices, I dropped by my favorite snack stations to grab my son some food and drink before going home.



I grabbed my favorite milk tea and fries for my son to enjoy it, these brands are not available in our province therefore when he goes here in the city he often requests it because he likes it too.

After a few hours of relaxing after a busy day, we then headed to another errand that we need to complete for the day: take our motorcycle to the car wash shop to have it cleaned.




Here are the prices for the corresponding vehicles:


Sometimes we do the cleaning of our motorcycle by our own but we get more satisfied when we bring it to the carwash station since it gets cleaner and shinier.

What a busy day indeed! Ciao! ☺︎♡


It seems that you're really busy, and it's true we can able to clean our motorcycles but just like you, I am more satisfied when we bring it to the carwash.

Indeed there is just so much in my plate lately, but we get through it little by little. Idk but carwashers can really clean it ten times better than we do so once every two weeks we take it there to get cleaned. ♡☺︎