in Daily Bloglast month

It was Thursday, and little did I know that a beautiful day awaited me. Like every other day, I woke up early to attend my classes and picked a dress that happens to be one of my favorites now, hehe. We were supposed to have a practical class that morning, but somehow it was canceled, so we just had to stick around to wait for the other classes later in the afternoon.

During those hours of waiting, I was on my phone engaging in different things just to pass the time, even when I should have been reading 🤦‍♀️. Well, that's because I'm still trying to adjust to my environment, but that is obviously taking longer than I expected. Anyway, I kept myself busy with other things and tried to make the most of my day. After about three hours of waiting, a lecturer came, and we had a class where we learned a little more about the autonomic nervous system, which was quite fun.

After one hour, the class ended, and we had to go to a different classroom for the next lecture. It didn't take long before the next lecturer came in. When he came in, the first thing he said was that he would be giving away some marks, and everyone was happy, but then he continued by saying there was a condition for that to happen, and everyone calmed down immediately.


To my surprise, the condition was that he wanted us to attend the inaugural event of our dean's wife. For me, I was surprised because that is something everyone would love to do, as long as there would be food, hehe. Immediately he said that, a lot of people showed interest, and I also did, but it wasn't just for the rice; I also wanted to know how an inaugural ceremony is done and what happens there. Well, not everyone was needed at the event, so for those who stayed behind, the lecturer had to lecture them and promised to come back to do a recap for those who would attend the event.

So when I got there, the event had already started, and everywhere was filled with people, but the good thing was that the auditorium was very big, so it could accommodate everyone well. I had to find a place to sit on the top floor since the downstairs floor was already filled.

The lady who was being inaugurated was asked to step forward to make her presentation, which was on post-pest control and how to preserve and produce more food for the general population. It was a long session of about an hour, and she did really well in presenting her ideas to everyone in the simplest way possible.

While her presentation was ongoing, we received some refreshments, which were water and rice. I had to share with my friends because they weren't lucky enough to get theirs. When the event ended, we took some pictures together and also individually to keep those beautiful memories we had together. I might have to share that some other time, hopefully. Well, I had so much fun with my course mates because, for some reasons, we needed that time.

Attending the inaugural wasn't a bad idea at all, and I was happy I could be part of those who went for it. In fact, from the look of things, I'd love to attend more as much as possible because I'm definitely going to learn something from it.

The images used are mine


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Without a doubt this has been a very interesting day full of fun and emotional things. Great that you attended this beautiful event dear friend @hopestylist
Have a happy and prosperous week

Thank you so much Jlufer 🥰. I’m so glad I get the opportunity to share these things with you and everyone that cares to stop by 🤗

Ah I admit that this type of events bored me during may college years.

Yet, for the free food, I would attend 🤣

I know right? 😂 and the food was really tasty, hehe

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