Going back in time 45 years (¨Daily Blog¨)

in Daily Blog25 days ago
Hoy, y como todos los domingos, estoy feliz de estar en esta preciosa ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨:  que nos brinda la oportunidad de compartir que hacemos, o como es nuestra tarde en un día cualquiera. Estas son las cosas que amo de #hive, que existen diferentes comunidades a nuestra disposición en donde podemos compartir y alojar nuestros escritos de las cosas que nos encanta hacer o escribir, y lo mejor de todo, es que hay personas que aprecian lo que escribes, y te hacen saber a través de los comentarios, algo extremadamente importante en una red social, sobre todo si te gusta relacionarte con las personas, lo que me recuerda, otra cosa que hace que ame nuestra compañía, y hace que haga vida en nuestra red social, la calidad y calidez de las personas que navegan a diario en este ancho mar de nuestra compañia.

Source: Family Álbum

Today, and like every Sunday, I am happy to be in this beautiful ¨Daily BlogCommunity¨:  which gives us the opportunity to share what we do, or what our afternoon is like on any given day. These are the things I love about #hive, that there are different communities at our disposal where we can share and host our writings of the things we love to do or write, and the best of all, is that there are people who appreciate what you write , and they let you know through the comments, something extremely important in a social network, especially if you like interacting with people, which reminds me, another thing that makes me love our company, and makes it live in our social network, the quality and warmth of the people who navigate daily in this wide sea of our company.

Otra cosa que me entusiasma estar aquí, y hace que de lo mejor de mí, ya sea escribiendo, haciendo tomas fotográficas, escogiendo o editando las fotografías que acompañan mis posts, es que todo lo que alojemos en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨ estará a disposición del mundo entero por toda la eternidad; ¿Te imaginas? que en unas cuantas décadas haya alguien visitando tus publicaciones pensando en ver cómo era la vida de una persona común medio siglo atrás. ¡Esto es realmente maravilloso!

Source: Family Álbum

Another thing that excites me about being here, and makes me give the best of me, whether writing, taking photographs, choosing or editing the photographs that accompany my posts, is that everything housed in our “chain” of “blocks” it will be available to the entire world for all eternity; You imagine? That in a few decades there will be someone visiting your posts thinking about seeing what the life of an ordinary person was like half a century ago. This is really wonderful!

Como les dije en el post anterior, #hive ha cambiado muchas cosas en mí, y una de esas es visitar los lugares más bonitos que tiene mi ciudad, y tratar de interpretar, que o cuales cosas les gustaría ver a las personas que visitan mis publicaciones, y en lo que siempre pienso es en la naturaleza. Las ciudades del mundo han cambiado mucho en las últimas décadas, y creo que cada vez hay menos espacios verdes o naturales para que las personas puedan asistir y disfrutar, es por eso que siempre mis fotografías están relacionada a la armonía, tranquilidad y preciosura de la naturaleza

Source: Family Álbum

As I told you in the previous post, #hive has changed many things in me, and one of those is visiting the most beautiful places that my city has, and trying to interpret what or which things people who visit my posts would like to see, and what I always think about is nature. The cities of the world have changed a lot in recent decades, and I believe that there are fewer and fewer green or natural spaces for people to attend and enjoy, that is why my photographs are always related to the harmony, tranquility and beauty of the nature

Se que todos los que vivimos en esta precisa ciudad somos personas privilegiadas y bendecidas al tener las edificaciones frente al imponente rio, que no solo nos regala paisajes bellos, también nos obsequia muchas cosas saludables para nuestro organismo; no muchas ciudades tiene el privilegio de estar frente de algo tan precioso y conservado como es las aguas del ¨Paraná¨, además de los miles de árboles que fueron sembrados a lo largo de los diez kilómetros que tiene las calles que zigzaguean la costa del rio. Es por eso que cada sábado por la tarde, además que a mi nieta @Abihive le encanta visitar este lugar, es que escogemos pasar una tarde agradable en familia, haciendo y disfrutando de las fotografías que compartimos en nuestras publicaciones. Ni mencionar que es un lugar seguro y custodiado por personas del ¨orden¨¨público¨, algo muy necesario en los tiempos en que vivimos, sobre todo cuando estas con el bien más preciado ¡Tus seres queridos!

Source: Family Álbum

I know that all of us who live in this precise city are privileged and blessed people to have buildings in front of the imposing river, which not only gives us beautiful landscapes, but also gives us many healthy things for our organism; Not many cities have the privilege of being in front of something as precious and preserved as the waters of the "Paraná", in addition to the thousands of trees that were planted along the ten kilometers of streets that zigzag the coast of the river. . That is why every Saturday afternoon, plus my granddaughter @Abihive loves visiting this place, we choose to spend a pleasant afternoon with the family, taking and enjoying the photographs that we share in our publications. Not to mention that it is a safe place guarded by people from the "public order", something very necessary in the times we live in, especially when you are with the most precious asset, your loved ones!

Este ha sido uno de los paseos del sábado por la tarde muy emotivo, dado que en nuestra caminata llegamos hasta donde hace algunas décadas funcionaba el puerto de la ciudad. En este lugar paraban los grandes barcos comerciales que llegaban de diferentes partes del país, incluido de otras ciudades del mundo, aquí veníamos con mi madre a recibir a mi Papa de corazón cuando llegaba de sus largos viajes que hacía transportando combustibles que entregaba en diferentes lugares del planeta. Estar viendo estas hermosas embarcaciones en compañía de mi familia llevaron mi mente 45 años atrás en el tiempo, me veía corriendo por el lugar para ser el primero en alcanzar la llegada de mi padre. En esta oportunidad, y como no podía ser de otra manera, fue nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ la que inmortalizo este momento haciendo estas fotografías

Source: Family Álbum

This has been one of the very emotional Saturday afternoon walks, given that on our walk we reached where the city's port operated a few decades ago. In this place the large commercial ships that arrived from different parts of the country, including other cities in the world, stopped. Here we came with my mother to receive my Dad with our hearts when he arrived from his long trips that he made transporting fuel that he delivered to different places. of the planet. Seeing these beautiful boats in the company of my family took my mind 45 years back in time, I saw myself running around the place to be the first to reach my father's arrival. On this occasion, and as it could not be otherwise, it was our "nikoncoolpixb500" camera that immortalized this moment by taking these photographs


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Ah there are really places that special in our hearts that often times we feel nostalgic.

How are you dear friend @lhes
That's the good thing about the passage of time, that you are filled with beautiful memories, and the great thing is that you can share it with your loved ones.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
Have a beautiful Sunday

That is so nice that Hive really bring changes into you, and you said it right my friend, with so many communities we have here on hive, you can choose one that suit for the topic you have for the day, and then write things from there.
so happy that because of Hive you visit many places more often.
have a great day ahead my friend.

jlufer, ekavieka sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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yes dear friend @ekavieka #hive makes me see things differently, always thinking about the people who regularly visit my posts
Having many communities available and choosing the one that best suits our material is very important.
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
Have a great day


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(1/10) tipped @jlufer
ekavieka tipped jlufer

Remembering our past, the excitement of someone coming or going a lovely reflection on your parents.

Having access to the waterfront is a bonus for everyone in the region, I don't agree with these private homes or buildings cutting off what should always have public rights to entry.


jlufer, joanstewart sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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What you say is very true, getting emotional with beautiful memories depends largely on the way our parents and grandparents have taught us, that is why I try to transmit these types of things to my loved ones, especially to my grandchildren, who They are the ones who will keep family traditions alive

I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you always give me dear friend @joanstewart

Have a happy and prosperous week

Always good to impart family knowledge to the young, share with them every moment one has the opportunity.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Good morning dear friends, thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my posts.
I wish you all a wonderful Sunday

I really like family walks, especially when we visit the city's waterfront.
Seeing the old port has been very emotional, beautiful photographs Grandpa

Our visits to the city are always beautiful, especially our Saturday afternoon outings.

It’s always beautiful when we see things that spike our minds to remember things that have happened a long time ago.

These images are really so beautiful and I’m happy to see how much hive has changed you because it’s definitely for the best 🥰

That's the good thing about growing up, we fill ourselves with beautiful memories that are great to share with the people we love.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit

Yeah, that’s indeed a good advantage of growing old 🥰.

You’re welcome!

What a beautiful message!
It's wonderful to see how #hive has inspired you to appreciate the beauty of your city and share that connection with nature.
Your photographs convey a sense of harmony and tranquility that inspires me to cherish and protect these natural spaces.
Keep sharing that beautiful perspective.


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Hello dear friend @edgerik good morning
I think that what happened to me in relation to #hive is an experience that most people who know it live.
Thank you very much for the always support
Have a happy and prosperous week

I loved the photographs, friend, what a beautiful place, they really are very privileged to have those buildings in front of the river, the waters of Paraná, they are well preserved, what happiness. Of everything you tell, what filled my heart the most were your memories from 45 years ago when you went with your mother to receive your father who arrived from his long trips, I can imagine the emotion of being in that place and remembering it. Greetings friend and many blessings.

Hello dear friend @floreudys79 good morning
It has been wonderful to return to that place in the company of my children and grandchildren, it is great to be able to share these things with the people you love.
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs.
Have a beautiful day

I think it's a good exercise, to think about what can be interesting to share and for people to see it, but don't leave aside also the things you would like to bring, the truth is that I feel it's therapeutic to share my things around here, I've already got into the habit. By the way, very beautiful landscapes

What you say is true, it is therapeutic to share the things that happen to us in #hive.
Thank you very much dear friend @ nitsuga12 for appreciating my photographs
have a great day

 24 days ago  

Hola Luis, espero que estes bien. Es cierto que la tecnologia es increíble y que todos nuestros días quedaran retratados para la posteridad, es muy loco. Que bueno que aprovechen para ir a dar un paseo y también tener lindos recuerdos para estos momentos. Gracias por compartir tu post en Daily Blog ❤️

Hola Laura como estas, todo bien por aca, el invierno se acordo de llegar, hoy esta haciendo mucho frio, tipico de los 25 de mayo

Es una de las cosas que amo de #hive, nuestra cadena de bloques y que todo que guerdemos alli estara seguro y para siempre.

Hasta hace unos dias el clima estaba agradable y aprovechamos para salir a pasear mientras me ocupo de los estudios de mis afecciones

Muchas gracias querida amiga por el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas. Espero que estes disfrutando de la clidez de tu hogar