in Daily Blog7 months ago

Hey guys!! I know its been a while i posted here. But i got a bad which i would like to share.

I was at my house in ibadan when I got a call from my mum around 3am which i didnt pick at first, I thought it was an alarm from my phone so the call came in again and I picked.

To my surprise,it was my kid sister that called and I asked what went wrong.
She told they were robbed and gun was fired everywhere. I got scared and I couldn’t sleep all the night.

So i left ibadan as early as 8am with my kid brother which is also staying in ibadan so we got home around 10am.

We met a lot of crowd in the house and i saw my mum and I felt bad. So i took pictures of everything.

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So I asked my sister about the whole story. This thieves came around 1am and started burgling the window but my dad was struggling with them so as not to allow them get in but unfortunately, they came in,beat my dad,mum and sister (i feel so sad)then went directly to the rooms to scatter and take whatever they want.

They yelled at my last brother to bring the whole money in the house which he did. So they collected there whole phones and left.

I cant really say much but with everything I heard,i felt so bad.
My both parents was wounded.
But I’m glad everybody is save.

We’ve done the repairs and everything is back to normal but mentally and physically,everybody is down and really scared that they wont come back again

Its so sad sharing but i just have to
Thanks for reading my story