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RE: The Call Of Congestion

I hope you recover soon! My older daughter, her husband, and two little kids were all sick with some gunky germ at the same time. Fevers, headaches, body aches, snot, endless cough, the whole nine yards. I think some of them even finished it off with the runs. (Feel free to skip that part.) The 7-year-old is still coughing, 11 days later, and coughed all over me yesterday. I hope it was a now-germ-free cough.

It's nice of the pets to be concerned, but I know that feeling of too much furry help.


Oh, having littles and both parents down at the same time is the worst! I am so sorry for your daughter and her family! At least with being older and having teens I can somewhat allow myself to convalesce, that doesn't happen with littles around.

And I hope the cough was just a leftover and not a spread, we don't want you dealing with that either!

The pets were sweet, but eventually I had to go hide in my room because it was a little bit too much attention lol!