🍓 {13/05/24} ✦ [DAILY BLOG] "My Badge Maker Machine is broken?" (⸝⸝º ^ º⸝⸝ ) 💙 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Daily Bloglast month


✦ This year you will see a lot of blue in this blog! These photos are a happy coincidence - Collage and editing done at FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ Este pasado fin de semana con ayuda de una amiga pude probar si aún funcionaba mi vieja máquina casera para fabricar chapas. ¡Esta casi como nueva!, hace años la guarde muy bien embalada con papel de burbujas y un envoltorio plástico de varias capas, me alegra haberlo hecho porque todas las piezas del troquel estan perfectamente cromadas y limpias 😍 👏

🇺🇸 ~ This past weekend with the help of a friend I was able to test to see if my old homemade badge making machine was still working. It's almost as good as new!, years ago I kept it very well packed with bubble wrap and multi-layer plastic wrap, I'm glad I did because all the die parts are perfectly chrome plated and clean 😍 👏


✦ I am looking for a larger and heavier pencil set to have more space on my sewing table ✦


✦ Only the plastic part of the handle of the machine is somewhat deteriorated but it does not affect its functionality ✦


Para la prueba necesitaba imprimir algunas imágenes y buscar un par de kits de material base que tambien había guardado. Hubo un tiempo en que compraba sets de 100 en 100, y sé que me quedaban unos 200 juegos más o menos, asi que sacrificar algunas para recordar cómo se ensamblan no sería tan doloroso.

For the test I needed to print some images and find a couple of kits of base material that I had also saved. There was a time when I was buying sets 100 at a time, and I know I had about 200 or so sets left, so sacrificing some to remember how to assemble them wouldn't be so painful.


✦ For now I can't show you the interior but maybe later and when it is fuller I will show you a tour ✦

¡También estrené carpeta nueva para las referencias y anotaciones de Maneki Blue! 🆕 Es una vieja carpeta japonesa que me regaló un amigo coleccionista, pensó que como me gustan las cosas asiáticas, apreciaría la carpeta por todos esos bonitos caracteres, y pues tiene razón, aunque me estoy decantando por hacerle una portada en modo collage.

I also released a new folder for Maneki Blue references and annotations! 🆕 It's an old Japanese folder given to me by a collector friend, he thought that since I like Asian things, I would appreciate the folder for all those beautiful characters, and he's right, although I'm opting to make a collage cover for it.


✦ Muchas gracias BaoBao ! ! ✦

Podía haber escogido cualquier imagen o incluso utilizar una hoja blanca y solo recortar círculos, pero necesitaba recordar los milímetros extras necesarios para que los bordes de las chapas queden cubiertos y bonitos, y tambien practicar cómo centrar bien las imágenes. @Vanuzza me ayudó muchísimo con eso 💙 💙 💙

I could have chosen any image or even used a white sheet and just cut out circles, but I needed to remember the extra millimeters needed to get the edges of the badges nice and covered, and also practice how to center the images well. @Vanuzza helped me a lot with that 💙 💙 💙


✦ This image makes me very nostalgic! I once ordered 300 of these but in video game images ✦


✦ The kittens were very active on Saturday and stepped on this leaf several times when I didn't realize it hahaha ~ ✦


✦ The printing was not of the best quality but I hope to get a better printing center for the next one ✦

Lamentablemente le di a Van las medidas equivocadas y estas imágenes no servían, se me olvidaron los milímetros extra de color para cubrir completamente los borden sin sacrificar las imágenes y letras del diseño.

Unfortunately I gave Van the wrong measurements and these images were no good, I forgot the extra millimeters of color to completely cover the borders without sacrificing the images and lettering of the design.


✦ It's been a long time, I've forgotten a lot of important little details, but that can be fixed ✦

En esta foto puede apreciarse mejor. La chapa es de 5.5 y la imagen media exactamente eso más los milímetros del borde, pero alli el borde se comería las letras.

In this photo it can be better appreciated. The sheet is 5.5 and the image is exactly that plus the millimeters of the border, but there the border would eat the letters.


✦ Here you can see the change Van made! ✦

🟦 Te comparto una datazo: Si trabajas con troquel de 5.5, la medida exacta para obtener chapas precisas de borde hermoso y bien forrado es 6.2 cm.

🔵 I'll share a super tip with you: If you work with a 5.5 die, the exact measurement to obtain precise veneers with a beautiful and well lined edge is 6.2 cm.


✦ It seems like too much margin, but it is not ✦


✦ The new sheet looks a little wavy because the print was too fresh ✦


✦ I think I let it sit for about 30 minutes or so ✦

El nuevo diseño parece tener muchísimo margen extra pero créeme que no, es solo el necesario, incluso pudimos centrar-reducir más la parte del texto y el logo pero yo quería que las letras quedaran cerca del borde de las chapas.

The new design seems to have a lot of extra margin but believe me it's not, it's just the necessary, we could even center-reduce more the text and the logo but I wanted the letters to be close to the edge of the badges.


✦ Some pins and acetate ✦


✦ The material is surprisingly well preserved ✦


✦ Only a few units had some rust, but nothing serious ✦

Decidí hacer la prueba de funcionalidad de la máquina y la práctica para recordar cómo se ensamblaban utilizando esta imagen que originalmente fue hecha para la sección de stickers de mi tienda. Pensé que sería lindo regalar algunas en caso que quedaran bien, además de tener en mis manos un poquito de material "promocional" por fin tangible.

I decided to test the functionality of the machine and practice to remember how they were assembled using this image that was originally made for the sticker section of my store. I thought it would be nice to give some away in case they turned out well, plus I got my hands on a little bit of tangible “promotional” material at last.


✦ My friend also helped me cut this out ✦


✦ I really like the color palette chosen by the designer ✦


✦ I really enjoyed the whole process, it was a relaxing evening with the new soft light that I like so much ✦

Normalmente me preocuparía por hacer recortes de círculos perfectos pero tambien recordé que un pequeño margen de error no se nota, porque esos milímetros quedan atrapados entre las dos caritas metálicas.

Normally I would worry about making perfect circle cutouts but I also remembered that a small margin of error is not noticeable, because those millimeters are trapped between the two metal faces.


✦ The acetate I like to use is glossy ✦

En total hice unas 6 chapas, 2 de ellas no quedaron perfectas porque aún debo recordar cómo mover el troquel de manera que el papel y el acetato no bailen, estoy segura que con la práctica lo superare muy rápido.

In total I made about 6 badges, 2 of them were not perfect because I still have to remember how to move the die so that the paper and the acetate do not dance, I am sure that with practice I will get over it very quickly.


✦ I am very proud! ✦


✦ The prints that are not used to make badges will be used to decorate some pages in my planner ✦


✦ I am very much in love with my logo ✦

ma21 (1).png

✦ I think it is a very nice diameter, in the past I wanted to buy a small die but I think in the long run it would not have been profitable at all ✦

Bueno, oficialmente puedo decir que tengo una máquina casera para chapas perfectamente funcional. Es una alegría muy grande porque tengo un proyecto súper llamativo que necesitara muchos de estos pequeños amiguitos 💕 y tambien podre ayudar a mis amigos y vecinos con los eventos escolares de sus hijos, en caso necesiten chapas tematizadas.

Well, I can officially say that I have a perfectly functional homemade badge machine. It's such a joy because I have a super flashy project that will need lots of these little buddies 💕 and I'll also be able to help my friends and neighbors with their kids' school events, should they need themed badges.

ma22 (1).png

✦ I will keep one to remember this time in the future! ✦

¡Seguire cumpliendo mini-tareas en mi lista de TO-DO pendiente! 📝 Mientras tanto, espero todos tengan un grandioso inicio de semana, que hayan pasado un lindo "Día de las Madres" en familia -asi sea en la distancia- tomen mucha aguita y se traten con gentileza 🪷 🌱

I will continue to fulfill mini-tasks on my TO-DO list! 📝 In the meantime, I hope you all have a great start of the week, have a nice "Mother's Day” with your family -even if from afar- drink lots of water and treat each other with kindness 🪷 🌱

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? [email protected] 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

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