Apologies and forgiveness are things of the heart

in Hive Reachout3 months ago (edited)

What a wonderful topic that relates so well to humans. These two words are important in human lives, and they are applicable in our lives daily. As humans, we tend to make wrong judgments and mistakes that have hurt others. What makes us unique as humans is the ability to make amends and reconcile when we harm relationships or others feelings. Apologizing when we are wrong is acknowledging and taking responsibility for our actions; this is what some people find so difficult to do, and that's why saying the word sorry seems impossible to some people.

Apologizing and willingness to forgive others when they show remorse for their actions seems like a difficult thing to do due to the pain we might have felt during the process of the betrayal or misunderstanding. Sometimes, forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting the wrong or condoning the bad behavior or acts of others. Forgiveness when someone genuinely apologizes and amends his or her ways can help fix broken friendships, relationships, and family and help in the continuation of the good times being spent together, but at times even a genuine apology doesn't work in helping fix broken relationships. The pain tends to stay longer than expected, which might make moving on a rough road that will need to be threaded with ease.

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Both apologizing and forgiving must come from the heart; it takes humility, empathy, and compassion. When apologizing is done sincerely, forgiveness comes easily, and promoting a healthy relationship and society where grudges will not be an option will not be an option will not be an option not to talk of evil acts such as kidnapping, abduction, and murdering. Unforgiveness is one of the factors that leads to all these acts. Mistakes will be made; that is inevitable, but when they are made, striving to acknowledge them and beg for forgiveness from those that are wronged will only promote peaceful coexistence among people in the society.

Before, I found it very difficult to forgive anyone who wronged me because I believed if I'm good to someone, then such person should reciprocate the goodness. When I'm wronged, it always takes a bad turn on me. I do feel the pain in my marrow, and at that point in time, all I wanted was to just get back at the person that caused me such pain. But as I grew, I came to understand that the more I harbored the pain, the more I remained stagnant in a position where all I wanted was revenge. Then I learn that forgiving who wrongs me is also forgiving myself for my mistakes, which would have been the orchestrator of whatever happened.

Apologizing brings peace to one's soul; saying sorry doesn't diminish any value; rather, it adds to one's peace of mind. You don't say sorry only when you are at fault; you do even when you are justified just to let peace reign. This is one of the lessons I learn from my father. My dad doesn't keep grudges; immediately you hurt him, he will call your attention to it and speak out his mind, apologize where necessary, and move on with his life. Although this seems so difficult sometimes, especially when the person at fault failed to realize it, for your peace of mind, it's better to forgive and let peace reign.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 3 months ago  

Mistakes are inevitable, we just need to be remorseful about our action and apologize all the time we step on each other's toes..
Thank you for sharing..

Thanks for reading boss