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RE: Visitando y conociendo mi bello Cienfuegos. Parte 4. Castillo de Jagua. Visiting and getting to know my beautiful Cienfuegos. Part 4. Jagua Castle.[Esp/Eng]

in Architecture+Design5 months ago (edited)

Dear @arqyanedesings. As per our community rules, please be reminded to mention only ONE SOURCE for the historical narratives, important dates, architectural style, and technical details you have consulted for this A+D publication.

Most importantly, please write PERSONAL STORIES about your actual experiences, encounters, observations, interactions, opinions, critiques, feelings and emotions, etc. about your featured project.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Muchas gracias por la recomendación quise narrar un poco lo que encontré en el museo ya que me pareció una experiencia diferente y adoré cada detalle del recorrido por el museo. Lo tenderé en cuenta para las próximas publicaciones. Thank you very much for the recommendation, I wanted to narrate a little bit about what I found in the museum since I found it a different experience and I loved every detail of the tour of the museum. I'll keep that in mind for future posts.