Beyond Body Parts | How Khalifa University's Design Soothed Our Museum-Spooked Squad

The Body Museum Spooked Us

We could not have prepared ourselves better for that trip to the Body Museum. In our Homeschool blog, I could not even share most of the photos I took because I felt it would fit to be an NSWF. LOL. As a context, the body museum featured exhibits from real human bodies preserved for educational purposes and hopefully to inspire us to live healthily.

Anyway, coming off from that experience, I would like to share some photos we took from going around the Khalifa University -- the location of the museum.

I felt that sharing about this campus won't be complete without showing the modern and elegant design of the exterior so I really had to go back here (on foot) to show the whole stretch of the inter-connected five buildings.


Khalifa University is a public research university in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It is located along 19th Street Shakbout Bin Sultan Street. We came there recently to view the exhibit at the Body Museum, an experience the kids and I will never forget.

The building itself is not too hard to find, as it spans the whole block of 19th Street edging to Muroor Road and to Airport Road on both sides.

If the security guard did not mention that the there were five interconnected buildings, I wouldn't have noticed it. I never really paid attention to it over the many instances that I pass by this place.


We entered the premises from the rear side, thankful for the free multi-level parking that was available. That was indeed a relief. Anything that is free is extra value and always appreciated. wink. They made a conscious effort to make the design energy efficient that there was proper ventilation and the lightings had motion sensors that would only turn on as cars were approaching.

Speaking of energy efficiency, the buildings have a modern double-skin facade that also of course helps regulate temperature and reduces energy consumption.





Coming inside the building and to the main reception, we were greeted by this vast space which I am not too sure if anybody ever sits here.


We waited for a while and after we got our Visitor's pass, we were given instructions on how to get to the Body Museum.

I came to know that each building had it's own color motif. We entered through this green building and had to walk all the way down to the fifth building (the guard said, look for blue building).


The hallways benefit from the natural lighting from the sun, thanks to the glass walls and roofing of the buildings.



Refreshing Lounge

The lounge was so comfortable and there were many seating areas. We decided to stay here for a while after the museum visit to kind of debrief from that experience. The Body Museum exhibit were from actual human remains, so while viewing the body organs and all it was also impossible not to think of that fact. I think I have consciously avoided eating meat since then.

This light-filled area is indeed so inviting, such a space encouraging collaboration and interaction from among the students.


I suppose all the buildings have areas like this one -- a cafeteria so posh, it actually felt like we were in a mall or something.

The design is so clean and simple, with uncluttered spaces and very functional furniture.



The common area also has an outdoor seating which is very refreshing to stay at in a cold season like now. It is a perfect way to get some sun while sipping a hot drink and catching up on some reading.


It is also a convenient passage to the adjacent building which is connected through a beautifully designed foot bridge as you can see at the reflection.


Ground Floor Atrium

So far, the spaces I have shown are in the first floor. The ground floor atrium is also has aesthetic design. I love the seating that they provided in the middle.


There were also kiosks and pop ups should one need a quick coffee or ice cream break even.


My Little Man just needed a break from the gory scene he just witnessed in the Body Museum. 😜


This wall decor is made of plastic wares recycled and put together as a colorful wall accent to break the rather monotonous glass design.


We also passed by this nursery, perhaps for the benefit of the professors and even students who need a place for their little ones while at work.


Outdoor Courtyard


I was unsure if we could go out of the building since most of the entrances we passed needed card access. When we found this exit at the end of the building, we took the chance to go out and get some fresh, cool breeze.


I can imagine this spacious central courtyard with lots of students buzzing by and giving a sense of community, but it was almost empty when we were there. There were lots of outdoor seating here as well, a perfect gathering space for students and faculty.

The photos would also show the mesh-like structure that serves as a shield of the building when temperatures get very high in the summer.


Learning in Contrasts

It was such an experience for us -- from the spooky science-filled museum visit, to just a laid back and serene architectural wandering.

While I think I forever traumatized my kids from the Body Museum adventure, that is still learning. I think will just buy lifetime supply of bubble wrap to cushion my kids' minds the next time we approach a museum. LOL. But hey, at least we have Khalifa University to remind us that beauty can come in all shapes and sizes, from skeletons and internal organs, to skylines.

So, until next time, happy wandering, my architecture-loving friends!

All photos are owned by the author unless stated otherwise.

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 5 months ago  

Congratulations dear @arrliinn! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded SILVER MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 58. More power!


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Omg, thank you! It's an honor.

 5 months ago  

We are honored as well to have you here dear @arrliinn. Continue publishing exceptional A+D stories! 😀

Since watch this museum some distance looking amazing shape contained. Actually this is a paradise. Every architectural elements built creatively. I love such interior designs in every places.

Hi @arrliinn, a really impressive museum every space is very well designed and organized to give the visitor comfort and tranquility; the buildings are beautiful, I liked the seats and the plastic decoration; thanks for sharing such nice pictures.

Have a nice day!