Rómulo Gallegos Square, a tribute to the outstanding Venezuelan writer



Traveling and knowing the places and attractions of a particular state or country I love, when I travel for errands or procedures, as far as possible I try to take a little time to tour the entity and visit their outstanding sites or those that time allows me according to their location, this time I share my visit to the Plaza Romulo Gallegos, located on Bolivar Avenue in the city of Maturin Monagas state, a strategic point and of great commercial activity, because in this section of the avenue there are important stores and in one of the transversals a recognized market of Buhoneros where you can find a great variety of clothes and footwear at affordable prices, also in this area is located one of the largest coffee shops in the city that stands out for its creamy and delicious coffee, also a varied menu to enjoy breakfast or lunch with the family.

With the remodeling program promoted by the government and the mayor's office of the different city, as the capital of the state of Monagas is also known, the square was also benefited and the work they did allowed to expand the spaces; The entrance is a corridor formed by rectangular walls that give way to a wide walkway with concrete floor, with a perimeter fence that in turn serves as a bench for visitors, also has a reinforced concrete platform which is used to animate the events and place the sound equipment, also has several flagpoles to place the flags and banners.


Viajar y conocer los lugares y atractivos de un determinado estado o país me encanta, cuando realizo viajes por diligencias o trámites, en la medida de lo posible trato de sacar un poco tiempo para recorrer la entidad y visitar sus sitios destacados o aquellos que el tiempo me permita de acuerdo a su ubicación, en esta ocasión comparto mi visita a la plaza Rómulo Gallegos, ubicada en la avenida Bolívar de la ciudad de Maturín estado Monagas, un punto estratégico y de gran actividad comercial, pues en este tramo de la avenida se encuentran importantes tiendas y en una de las transversales un reconocido mercado de Buhoneros donde se consigue gran variedad de ropa y calzado a precios accesibles, también en esta esta área se localiza una de las cafeterías más grande la la ciudad que destaca por su cremoso y delicioso café, además un menú muy variado para disfrutar en familia el desayuno o almuerzo.

Con el programa de remodelación impulsado por la gobernación y alcaldía de la ciudad distinta, como también se le conoce a la capital del estado Monagas, la plaza también fue beneficiada y el trabajo que realizaron permitió ampliar los espacios; en ella regularmente se realizan eventos culturales y recreativos, con más espacio disponible el número de asistentes será mayor, la entrada es un pasillo formado por muros rectangulares que dan paso a una amplia caminería con piso de concreto, con una cerca perimetral que su vez sirve de banco para los visitantes, cuenta además con una plataforma de concreto armado la cual es usada para animar los eventos y colocar los equipos de sonido, cuenta también con varia astas para colocar las banderas y pancartas

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The square pays tribute to the famous poet, writer and novelist Don Rómulo Gallegos, among his great works are Doña Bárbara, a novel that earned him international recognition and many awards, he was also president of Venezuela; in the square there is a sculpture of this important character in the history of the country, is bronze and has as a base a wall covered with ceramic and several steps very well decorated where the statue rests.

The floor is of concrete and has stripes of three colors, the benches are also of concrete and have capacity for four people, their dividing rings are striking and of silver color; the walls of the main entrance are covered with bricks in brown tones that combine with the colors of the floor.

La plaza rinde tributo al insigne poeta, escritor y novelista Don Rómulo Gallegos, entre sus grandes obras figuran Doña Bárbara, novela que le valió el reconocimiento internacional y muchos premios, además fue presidente de Venezuela; en la plaza se encuentra una escultura de este importante personaje de la historia del país, es de bronce y tiene como base una pared recubierta con cerámica y varios escalones muy bien decorados donde reposa la estatua.

El piso es de concreto y tiene franjas de tres colores, los bancos también son de concreto y tienen capacidad para cuatro personas, sus aros divisorios son llamativos y de color plateado; los muros de la entrada principal están cubiertos con ladrillos en tonos marrón que combinan con los colores del piso.

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Like other emblematic places in the city, the square has ecological garbage cans and messages that invite the user to take care of the plants and the area in general, a sign that caught my attention says: "if the plants gave wifi we would all respect them", in the gardens there are several palm trees, also in the perimeter of the square there are large trees that provide shade, the walkways are wide, the garden benches are located on the sides, which facilitates the free passage of passersby.

My visit to this beautiful city was very quick and for errands, but I still had the opportunity to make a little tour of Bolivar Avenue and see again its squares and the beautiful remodeling work that has given more view and style to each of these landmarks, my favorite is still the redoma Juana la Avanzadora, the benches and lights that they added to the fountain look spectacular.

Al igual que otros lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad la plaza cuenta con papeleras ecológicas y mensajes que invitan al usuario a cuidar las plantas y el área en general, un cartel que llamó mi atención dice: "si las plantas dieran wifi todos las respetaríamos", en los jardines se encuentran varias palmeras, además en perimetro de la plaza hay árboles de gran tamaño que brindan sombra, las caminerías son amplias, los bancos jardines su ubican en los laterales, lo cual facilita el libre paso de los transeúntes.

Mi visita a esta hermosa ciudad fue muy rápido y por diligencias, pero aún así tuve la oportunidad de hacer un pequeño recorrido por la avenida Bolívar y ver de nuevo sus plazas y el hermoso trabajo de remodelación que le ha dado más vista y estilo a cada uno de estos hitos, mi favorita sigue siendo la redoma Juana la Avanzadora, los bancos y luces que agregaron a la fuente se ven espectculares.

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Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
          All images are my own.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría.

That square is very nice and modern, good that you made the most of your visit to the city.

Hi @soychalbed, it is true the plaza is beautiful and with wide walkways, the design is modern and simple, they took advantage of the space very well and made an excellent distribution of the gardens and rest areas, I liked to visit again this plaza, it looks beautiful and attractive.

Have a happy weekend!

 7 months ago  

Congratulations dear @belkyscabrera! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 63. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

Hi @aplusd, thank you for the mention and support, very happy with my award.

May the new month come loaded with great blessings!

 7 months ago  

With immense delight dear @belkyscabrera. Together, let us welcome the new month with more happiness, unity, and success. Blessings! 😀

What a beautiful square! I love squares. It is a very nice and vibrant environment, you can see that the square has a historical meaning with a lot of beauty. As I am a sculptor, I have to stop at the sculpture and tell you that it has a lot of details, there was a lot of attention to this in the man who made this sculpture.

The floor looks very cool and those concrete benches too, although they must not be at all comfortable to be there for a long time. But hey the trash cans are also great, to support the ecological part and promote this way of living, where care for the environment and plants is encouraged. I like how you can find such nice things in the square, because when we stop to observe we find such nice things in something that we always see in our daily routine like a square.

Greetings @gaboamc2393, the square is beautiful and with the remodeling it was even better, the environment is beautiful and I think it has more trees, it is one of the busiest squares in the city because important cultural events are held there, perhaps its new design focuses on providing more space to the public and take care of the green areas, what I like most are the messages to raise awareness about the importance of caring for the environment.

It is true, the sculpture is a great work where they paid attention to every detail, I understand it is life size and very similar to the photos of the writer; the ecological garbage cans I saw them in several squares of the city and it is a great initiative to educate the population about the classification of garbage and keep the spaces clean; it is a square with a great potential framed in fun and family recreation.

Happy and blessed weekend!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for the support @qurator and @brumest.

Happy weekend!

Rómulo Gallegos is one of the most cultured presidents of Venezuela and recognized in the world for his literary work. He deserves many plazas like this one you show us, very beautiful and well kept.

The first thing that caught my attention is his standing sculpture, as if inviting other people to stand on his side and be his equal. The benches are modern and beautiful, plus the plant messages are also special.

I am glad that despite the fast pace of your walk, there was time for recreation and you were able to share this place. Happy day to you @belkyscabrera

Greetings friend, definitely the literary work Doña Barbara is an international jewel, several production houses have taken it to the small screen, it is a work with a great message that reflects the vine in the plain. It is true that it should have many places in the territory, its legacy still remains in force.

The sculpture was previously on a wall covered with rocks, this presentation looks more elegant and attractive; the benches are very nice and its particular dividing rings, give it elegance, the floor in various colors and the location of the gardens I liked, also the amplitude of the space, you can walk freely without stepping on the grass.

The environmental messages are important and invite to reflection and care of the environment, despite the short time I could spend several minutes in the square and observe its new design that I loved.

Happy weekend!

I also love traveling and getting to know new places. Very nice and attractive square.

Hi @arqyanedesings, traveling is a nice experience and adventure that allows us to know different places and enjoy the wonders of nature and those created by the ingenuity of man, in my travels I try as far as possible to take time for fun and get to know the city.

This square has great historical importance for the country, it also has an excellent location in the heart of the city, the design is modern and relaxed.

Greetings and many blessings!
