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Hi @ginethchira2301 glad the care was good at this health center. I wish your mom gets through everything well.

These buildings are very well equipped to care for patients, however choosing these structures for medical care does not please me very much.

Today there was no power at the center where we took my mom. Thank God the necessary equipment was charged (they use batteries), we did not miss the trip. What is critical is that without power the elevators do not work. We had to go up and down the stairs 😳.

I think they should think of some way to get patients up when there is no light, of course the most urgent ones.

Greetings to you.

Hola @ginethchira2301 me da gusto que la atención haya sido buena en este centro de salud. Deseo que tu mamá salga bien de todo.

Estos edificios están muy bien equipados para atender a los pacientes, sin embargo elegir estas estructuras para la atención médica no me agrada mucho.

Hoy no hubo energía eléctrica en el centro donde llevamos a mi mamá. Gracias a Dios los equipos necesarios estaban cargados(usan baterías), no perdimos el viaje. Lo que crítico es que sin luz no funcionan los ascensores. Tuvimos que subir y bajar por las escaleras 😳

Pienso que deben pensar en alguna forma de subir a los pacientes cuando no haya luz, por supuesto los de mayor urgencia.

Saludos para ti.


The doctor's attention and the nurse was excellent and in your case it's good that even though the instruments to be used were loaded to take those eventualities.