Church of St. George the Victorious

Hello to all! The Church of St. George the Victorious is a unique building with an interesting history. The church has a couple of unofficial names, and one of them is White. The fact is that when decorating the church, its walls were painted white, which means purity and purity. However, in historical sources, St. George's Church is called the Military Church. Obviously, this is an unusual Orthodox church with a rich history.



Due to the fact that the Bobruisk fortress had lost its photofication value by the end of the 20th century, the space around the walls became free for construction. The new temple was built by military builders near the fortress walls. First of all, he was supposed to serve the needs of the military personnel of the garrison. For this reason, the official name of the new temple was built in honor of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, who is the patron saint of the Orthodox army.




The building of the St. George Church was built in 1907 in the Moscow-Yaroslavl direction of the Russian style. The building is a basilica with three monumental naves. In front of the central entrance, there is a two-tiered hipped-roof belfry with a height of about 30 meters. The ringing of bells is heard on holidays and is heard on the territory of several microdistricts.




On all sides, the temple is crowned with various elements and patterns that complement its majestic image. The altar part is traditionally located on the reverse side. There are 5 small domes on it. On the first tier there is an icon of St. George the Victorious in the form of a small window. An interesting solution.




The interior decoration of the temple is represented by numerous icons with the faces of saints, which are located on the walls and columns. Arched openings and columns add visual grandeur to the room. The altar is quite compact, but acoustically everything is designed so that the audibility is excellent everywhere. The hall accommodates a large number of parishioners. To complement the interior composition, vases of flowers are often placed in front of the main entrance.




There are several additional buildings on the territory of the temple, which play an auxiliary role. First of all, this is an administrative building and a place where church utensils are sold. All buildings are designed in the style of the main temple and complement the overall architectural composition.




Throughout its existence, St. George's Church was repeatedly desecrated and rebuilt for various premises. The German occupiers or the conscientious authorities altered it to fit their needs. Only in 1990, the Temple began to be reconstructed in its original form, and soon it again received the first parishioners. Currently, St. George's Church is one of the architectural gems of ancient Bobruisk. Its architecture and history are admirable. Hope you enjoyed this virtual journey to this unique place of worship.


Photo information:
Camera: Xiaomi Redmi note 9 pro
Location: Mogilev, Belarus

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Love the inside of the church the color combination is nice.

I agree my friend, the color combination is perfect. Thank you👍

You're welcome (^_^)

Interesting architecture, I like how beautiful and well preserved it looks. From the data you provide, you can tell that there was a lot of dedication here, not only for religious interests but also economic, it is a beautiful structure.

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Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

Oh yes, this temple had many uses. But I am glad to see that over the centuries-old history this temple has regained its greatness. Thank you for your support and attention! I appreciate it very much.

Yay! 🤗
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