Church of the Intercession - Place of Miracles

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody! Despite its modest size, the Belarusian city of Ivanovo can boast many architectural sights. I talked about many of them in my previous posts. Today I will show you another pearl - the Intercession Church located in the city's central square next to the famous Catholic church.

During my travels I have seen many churches. Many of them have a similar architecture, others have the same name. However, I can say with confidence that each church is unique. The Intercession Church is the last thing I saw and studied in the town of Ivanovo. It was an interesting experience and a pleasant farewell to the historical region of Belarus.

The Church of the Intercession in Ivanovo was built in 1901 and is an architectural monument of the retrospective Russian style. But in 1901, the building that you can see now was built. Before this, the church had a completely different guise. The town of Ivanovo has been featured in chronicles since the 14th century and until the 1970s it used to be a village. In the place where the brick building of the church now stands, there was once a small wooden church.

However, her fate is sad - she burned down in a fire. Soon, in 1667, a new wooden church was built in its place. But her fate was also sad - she became dilapidated. The new building we see today is made of stone.

World War II made its own adjustments to the fate of the Church of the Intercession. For some time the temple building was used as a military hospital. But the soldiers who were there for a long time could not recover. After that, the church was converted into a stable. But it was a bad idea, as the horses there got sick and died. Soon the Intercession Church again regained its original purpose. Some believers believe that the church is bewitched. But it is obvious that this is a legend to attract the attention of tourists.

The building of the Intercession Church is the central building, the bell tower, and the dining room. All parts of the church are interconnected by small passages. The main entrance draws its attention thanks to the high two-tiered tower. On holidays, bells ring out from the tower.

On the facades of buildings, one can see narrow arched windows. I often pay attention to windows as an element of decor. I think window openings play a role in creating an atmosphere inside buildings. The play of light and shadows in the church makes a mesmerizing experience. This is especially displayed on holidays when the temple premises are filled with thick smoke emitted by burning incense. However, I could not get inside - it was closed.

Even though the temple is more than 120 years old, it looks well-groomed. I like to visit cities where architectural gems are honored and carefully looked after. In my opinion, the peculiarity of such places of worship is their energy. Yes, it is certainly intangible, but being near the Church of the Intercession, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility. I have seen that many people come here after hard days just to relax emotionally. Probably, if I lived in Ivanovo, I would do the same.

Ivanovo is an unusual city filled with unique architectural masterpieces. Intercession Church is the icing on the cake among all other attractions. The architecture of the Russian style and the unusual color of the facade gives the building of the temple a majestic and unique look. If you pay attention, then the facade, which is simple at first glance, has many decorative elements. I love to visit such places and discover something new and enrich myself culturally. The Intercession Church in Ivanovo is the place that I would recommend visiting if you suddenly find yourself in these parts.

Photo information:
Camera: Nikon D5200
Location: Ivanovo, Belarus

Thanks to everyone who reads and supports. Best regards from


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Fantastic post! Another Belarusian gem of sacred architecture dear friend I'm simply amazed at that monument's backstory and how superstitious beliefs, circumstances, and unforeseen historical events have molded its current place in society. And I agree - we must never underestimate the mere sizes of cities because they could possess unprecedented buildings of immense value, just like the metropolis of Ivanovo. 😊👍

May I know who the original Architect of that church was?

Thank you very much, my friend!🙏😊 The Ivanovo Church once again proved to me that it is unnecessary to visit large cities to see architectural gems. The most interesting thing is that I discover amazing buildings for myself unplanned. It is a pity that churches in small towns often have a work schedule and are usually closed. When I get inside the church, I always try to get additional information from the abbots. But this time, some historical information had to be collected from open sources. But alas, there was no mention of the architect anywhere. Very strange.🤔

Beautiful architecture. I love the colours used. So striking and stand out against the sky.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful day further 👋🏻😁

The facade of the temple really has a rare color for a church and, thanks to the high tower, stands out against the blue sky.
Thank you for your attention and all the best!🙏😊

You are welcome it is beautiful to see.
All the best to you too!

 2 years ago  

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Thank you very much for your invaluable support! 🙏😊

Love the color combination of the structure, it looks so neat.

Oh yes, I also liked the color combination of the facade of the church. Thank you for your attention😊

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If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.

This comment is wrong.

You copied from the paragraphs mentioned. At least half of the text in this post. Some sentences were fully copied.
Also, I can see that you started editing the post removing this fraudulent content (plagiarism).

I do not hide the fact that I took information from third-party sources. In particular, I needed technical information describing the characteristics of buildings and historical facts.
Since the sources are Russian-language, and my English is not perfect, I use the Grammarly program when translating.
In addition, an indisputable fact is that if you use different translators (Google, Yandex, Promt, or Deepl) for the exact Russian text, you will get a different(not identical) English text. (depending on the text)
You say that I changed my text. Yes, it is. These are the requirements of the new rules (point 3 of the architecture and design community rules) that I did not know about before. This is a requirement that I could not ignore, and I had to correct the text. This is also a fact that can be easily verified.
I do not deny that I take information from outside sources. But not to engage in fraud, but to convey reliable information to the reader and not invent non-existent facts. I visit various cities in Belarus and spend a lot of time photographing architecture for the architecture and design community. All these photos belong to me. Apparently, I did the wrong thing by borrowing part of the text from open online sources.
Sorry if I offended you with this. I didn't do deliberate information crimes against the platform.
Let me know if it is possible to remove the blockade from my account.