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RE: Bartholomé Bello Building; a 200-year-old colonial legacy (Eng - Esp)

Without a doubt there is a lot of Spanish or European legacy in terms of architectural constructions, I realize that the state of Sucre predominates a lot, I think it is because it is a fairly coastal area and more Spaniards arrived? questions I ask in my head hahaha. Great shots! greetings!


Hello @dinaaczib, the European legacy remains in force despite the time, in fact several states of the country retain part of these peculiar constructions, in the states Sucre, Bolivar, Falcon, even the capital city you can appreciate these landmarks of architecture that have survived for more than two hundred years.

Cumaná, being one of the first cities founded on the mainland by the Spaniards, has a variety of buildings that show the influence of this striking style. 🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷

Happy Sunday!