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RE: A Nightmare on Viriya Street.... Building a Home on Koh Samui

OMG. What a nightmare. Glad you've got some legal advice now and hopefully things will get sorted soon.

When I was in Koh Samui there was only one hotel and it was one only a few breeze block structures on the island. Mind you it was a long time ago. Before the airport and package tourism. We had to go by train to Surat Thani and then by boat. Them were the days! 😁

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That is still my preferred method of arrival Gillian! I love the sleeper trains that arrive at about 5am with buses waiting to take you to the ferry. Flying directly to the island is very expensive due to the airport being privately owned so no 'budget' airlines can use it. If we do fly, it's to Surat, and then bus and boat! I see no fun in arriving to a beautiful island by anything other than the sea. Arriving by air, you could be arriving anywhere!