Design and Architecture of Haban Coffee Space


Hello everyone
How are you today ? I hope and pray, we are all always given health and also happiness in living this life. I also want to wish all members of the Architecture+Design Community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope we can give our best contribution to this community in the next year.

As long as I contribute and write in this community, I try to be able to post consistently, interesting and informative. If friends often visit my blog, almost all of my posts about design and architecture are related to the food and beverage business, such as coffee shops, restaurants or cafes. Since I was a teenager, I've had an interest in the culinary business and the selection of designs and concepts they try to offer customers and visitors. Competition in the food and beverage business industry also provokes the creativity and imagination of business owners to attract customers.

As a form of my consistency in 2022. I want to share my stories and experiences about the impression from the design and architecture of one of the coffee shops that I visited, and this content will be the end of 2022.

Haban Coffee Space
Haban Coffee Space is located at Sunggal Street no. 240 Medan Sunggal District – Medan City. The Medan Sunggal District is an area that I recognize, because I spent my junior and senior high school years in that district. Medan Sunggal District is one of the districts in Medan City and is also a district that is far from the city center. Senpajang remembers when I was at school, around 18 years old in the Medan Sunggal area, the district was a quiet area and still a remote area from the city. However, the increasingly expensive housing prices in the city center have made many people look for buffer areas such as the Medan Sunggal District and development in this area has begun to stretch. One of them is characterized by a variety of modern coffee shops, elite housing and modern shopping centers.

Back about Haban Coffee Space, this coffee shop is trying its luck to be able to hook customers in the Medan Sunggal District area. Haban Coffee Space is also very strategic because it is located on the side of the main road which makes it easier for us to find this coffee shop. Apart from that, Haban Coffee Space also uses a building with a front design that is quite striking for everyone who crosses this street.

From the front, the impression of a minimalist modern coffee shop wants to be shown by Haban Coffee Space. The stone fence style with air holes is combined with minimalist plants that are displayed on the front of this coffee shop. At first glance, Haban Coffee Space slightly imitates the design patterns from Starbucks, the color gradations and combinations of wood and terracotta color patterns seem very familiar.

Actually, Haban Coffee Space uses three shop buildings measuring 4x22 meters and the three buildings are put together to become one coffee shop like we see here. I know the owner of this coffee shop, and the owner of this coffee shop is a young man who comes from a wealthy family and has a strong will to do business. As far as I can remember, his family bought these three shophouses and they became coffee shops like this.

Outdoor Space and Area


Before we enter the building, on the front we see several outdoor areas that are combined with a minimalist industrial concept. The seats and tables are made using concrete and bricks, a concept I've come across a lot this year. The outdoor space in this coffee shop is perfect for visitors who come with friends and want to chat while relaxing, especially since the pebble floor used gives a stronger industrial impression to this area.

Conceptually, this Outdoor Space has an interesting concept and design, but I found two weaknesses. First, Haban Coffee Space made this outdoor space at the front and closest to the main road, the Sunggal Street area is often passed by large trucks so that at certain moments it will be very dusty. Second, in the outdoor space area of Haban Coffee Space there are no shade trees so it will be quite hot if you sit here during the day.

First Floor Haban Coffee Space

When we enter the building of this coffee shop, we will find a coffee bar right in front of us. Coffee Bar from Haban Coffee Space is also made by maintaining the design pattern of the front of this building. The combination of wood color with dark colors is the main attraction of this coffee bar. Apart from that, Haban Coffee Space also arranges all the tools and equipment for brewing coffee neatly and aesthetically. Neat and clean will give a positive impression to the visitors.


I looked around, the room on the first floor was quite spacious and bright too. Daytime lighting for this building, aided by dozens of thick glass walls with a fairly large size. The condition of the glass is clean and bright, as well as the architecture and design of the building which optimizes the direction of sunlight into this room during the day and evening, making these windows a cheap and natural source of light. I believe this window idea was planned when doing renovations for this building.

The first floor area of Haban Coffee Space uses minimalist furniture with tables and chairs for four people. If friends pay attention, there is one seat like a minimalist sofa which is comfortable enough to sit and relax for a long time and do activities such as playing games or working on our laptops.



The first floor area of Haban Coffee Space is a smoking area with air conditioning and I was quite disturbed by the smell of cigarette smoke on this first floor. I don't know if this info is related to why there is an indoor smoking room from Haban Coffee Space, but I got info that this coffee shop often holds matches or tournaments for various mobile games such as Mobile Legends or Dota. Apart from that, every weekend there are live music performances on the first floor of Haban Coffee Space, so it seems like this first floor is an egalitarian space where everyone can freely express themselves.

Second Floor of Haban Coffee Space
I couldn't take a position on the first floor room, because the smell of cigarette smoke was quite disturbing to me. I went to the second floor of Haban Coffee Space. To get to the second floor, we climb the stairs with a conventional design. Apparently, this staircase is an original part of the old shop building.


On the second floor there are various rooms that can be conditioned to our needs when we come to this coffee shop. As a Coffee Space, a coffee shop provides a room that we can use for various activities such as meetings, discussions, or work. The room on the second floor is made very quiet and uses sound absorbers to minimize noise.


I like the atmosphere from the second floor, very calm and peaceful. When I came, there were only a few people who were also busy with their work. In one of the rooms on the second floor, I saw an indoor room with air conditioning. The room is made in a minimalist and catchy manner, the walls of the room are painted in an gloomy gray color and are very coherent with the choice of ceramic colors with wood motifs as well.


I also like the furniture used for this room, the table and chairs are made of wood which is very comfortable, thick and expensive. The furniture used also reinforces the impression of the coffee space as a communal space where people work and create. Apart from that room, in the middle of the second floor room there is a very unique smoking area. There are three tables and chairs combined with a minimalist and simple decoration, the unique part is the pebble floor which gives this room a special impression.

Okay, that's all about my experiences and impressions about Haban Coffee Space, I hope this can provide information and new views for all my friends.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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The vibe of the first floor in this coffee shop somehow reminds me of Starbucks.

thank you for stopping by @firayumni
that's absolutely true, not just you and almost all visitors will feel that. It seems that the inspiration for this coffee shop is Starbucks.

 last year  

Congratulations @isdarmady! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 9. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

thank you very much @aplusd for mention me.
Always happy and proud to be part of this community. Hopefully I can always take part and be active in the Architecture+Design Community.

 last year  

With great delight dear @isdarmady. Thank you for being one of our beloved community's exceptional authors. Stay awesome! 😀