Brutalist architecture and new design

in Architecture+Design4 months ago

When I last time wrote about the old grain silos in Belgrade, I said that I would definitely go to that place more often because it is very inspiring. Now the Silos are no longer old grain silos, but the cultural center of Belgrade. It is a new gathering place in my city for all lovers of urban culture.


And can you imagine what these silos used to look like? Without the murals that now adorn them, they were just gray massive buildings of Brutalist architecture.

It is evident that the buildings of Brutalist architecture are large in size and seem rather cold and rough. Concrete and simplicity dominate, and it is a completely adequate style for silos where grain was stored in the past. But today, when this place changed its purpose, there was a need to re-design this brutalist architectural masterpiece.


Murals symbolizing life and good values ​​are painted on the walls of the silos. In my favorite mural, a woman spreads her arms towards a bee. In our tradition, there is the term "White Bee", the name for the oldest female ancestor from as many as 16 generations back. It is interesting that the silos consist of cells that resemble exactly honeycombs, which along with the symbol of the bee are used as a motif of the mural.


When you enter the silos, you are always delighted by some new design, whether it is some exhibitions or other cultural events. My last visit was on the occasion of filming a corporate video of the team I currently work with, so the interior was adapted to the needs of the filming.


It was before the New Year holidays, so the decorations were in that spirit.





I felt very excited as I went from room to room and read the thoughts on the walls and looked at the interior.




I liked the cobweb hanging from the ceiling and the intimate light where you could disconnect from reality for a moment.


There is a coffee bar inside, so you can refresh yourself in a pleasant atmosphere.



I also loved the paper flowers hanging from the ceiling and the simplicity of the design that makes a strong impression.


I sat on a chair in front of the mirror and had the impression that I was in a movie, in a room where time stood still and there was nothing to disturb the harmony of spontaneously arranged things around.


But I could not stay in that darkness for long, even though it is so charmingly designed that every place seems worth sitting in for a while.





I went out and enjoyed the view of the Danube, which makes this place even more special and breaks the monotony of the brutalist walls.



The silos design brought a new charm to the massive buildings of Brutalist architecture and made them charming and inspiring. Gray doesn't always have to be gray. Life doesn't always have to be the same either. A little color can change everything.

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



 4 months ago  

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Hi, thank you very much for the advice. There are rare moments when I don't respond to comments, but it happens sometimes when I'm overwhelmed with children and work and I apologize for that. But I love Hive and your community and I'm always happy to engage! By the way, today is my 2nd birthday on Hive. 😊

 4 months ago  

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to more engagement from you soon. More power to your Hive journey - Happy 2nd Birthday! 😀

Thank you very much! 🤗

 4 months ago  

Congratulations dear @jelenaa! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 60. More power!


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Thank you so much! 🤗

 4 months ago  

You are most welcome dear @jelenaa! 😀

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Thank you so much @choogirl ! It is always a pleasure to be among the honorable mentions. 😊

I got the opportunity to view silos once in my life during a journey I made but the viewing was from a distance. I personally feel like silos are really fascinating. The structure itself.

I totally love that these silos have been touched up. The mural with the lady would also be my favorite.

ps: This may sound crazy but i never thought humans could go into silos. I only thought there were small rooms for the workers and that was it.😀

I also did not believe that I would ever enter the silos.😃 It also seemed to me that people don't go in there. It's a strange impression inside. It's a little claustrophobic😊

I can imagine how claustrophobic it is, judging from the structure itself.

The place gives a creepy vibe, but I find it cool.. I love your pose on that chair hehe.

Thank you Jane😊❤️ it's a good idea that they came up with that space to renovate it for cultural events, it's been visited and people love it.

A place full of inspiration, beautiful! I love the concept of this wonderful place, a very poetic art.

Yes, indeed is a very original concept and people have already accepted it as a new place of urban culture and are happy to visit it.

the pictures are very beautiful @jelenaa

Thanks, I am glad you like them! 🤗

At first glance I saw the building I thought it was a factory chimney. turns out I was wrong. thank you for sharing.

At first glance, I would never have been able to imagine the interior as it is. Rather, I would say that there is some grain inside, as it used to be. 😊

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