Buildings that you cannot miss if you visit ¨Ushuaia¨ (Es-Eng )

in Architecture+Design2 years ago
Feliz de estar nuevamente en esta espléndida ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:  con otro material que me permite dar a conocer hermosas edificaciones de una de las ciudad más hermosa del sur de mi país ¨Argentina¨. La semana pasada tuve el honor de compartir con ustedes cierta información de importancia de la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨; En ella les doy a conocer el tipo de construcción predominante de la ciudad, y como la llegada de un ingeniero italiano cambio el curso de la construcción; En esta oportunidad les quiero dar a conocer dos hermosas propiedades, una guarda en su interior la historia y la evolución de la ciudad, mientras que la otra guarda el patrimonio de los habitantes del lugar. Deseo comenzar agradeciendo a nuestros amigos @storiesoferne @aplusd por la visión de haber construido esta hermosa comunidad, donde apasionado como yo por la arquitectura, puede compartir las imágenes de las construcciones de mi país. Como siempre les digo, esta es una comunidad que te hace sentir como en la comodidad de tu hogar, sientes que eres parte de algo grandioso, y es lo que me motiva a contribuir con su crecimiento a través de un humilde aporte que genere este post. El 15 % de la recaudación del post es en beneficio de esta grandiosa comunidad

Source: Family Álbum

Happy to be back in this splendid ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:  with other material that allows me to present beautiful buildings in one of the most beautiful cities in the south of my country, "Argentina". Last week I had the honor of sharing with you some important information about the ¨City¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨; In it I let you know the predominant type of construction in the city, and how the arrival of an Italian engineer changed the course of construction; On this occasion I want to introduce you to two beautiful properties, one keeps the history and evolution of the city inside, while the other keeps the heritage of the local inhabitants. I want to start by thanking our friends @storiesoferne @aplusd for the vision of having built this beautiful community, where as passionate as I am about architecture, you can share the images of the constructions of my country. As I always tell you, this is a community that makes you feel at home, you feel that you are part of something great, and that is what motivates me to contribute to its growth through a humble contribution that this post generates. . 15% of the collection of the post is for the benefit of this great community

La ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨ tiene una ubicación privilegiada, está situada al sur del extremo de mundo, en una hermosa bahía. La arquitectura de sus construcciones obedece a los típicos pueblos pequeros, en donde predominaba los frentes de chapas, con exquisitas molduras construidas con finas maderas de la zona; Los techos, y sus formas de construcción están asociados a la nacionalidad de las manos constructoras; En este aspecto se puede visualizar varios tipos de techos, aunque se destacan los techos ¨cobertizos¨, a dos y cuatro aguas; Es lo que se puede apreciar en estas dos construcciones emblemáticas de la ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

The "city" of "Ushuaia" has a privileged location, it is located south of the end of the world, in a beautiful bay. The architecture of its constructions obeys the typical small towns, where the fronts of plates predominated, with exquisite moldings built with fine woods from the area; The roofs, and their forms of construction are associated with the nationality of the building hands; In this aspect, several types of roofs can be visualized, although the "shed" roofs, gabled and hipped, stand out; This is what can be seen in these two emblematic constructions of the city

La primera propiedad que deseo darles a conocer, es una emblemática de la ciudad; En este lugar funciona un negocio temático dedicado a preservar y dar a conocer la historia de esta ciudad extrema. El edificio es uno de época bien conservado, construido en madera con frente y techos de chapas; La fachada esta realzada con molduras de madera; Se puede apreciar que el frente está divido en dos sectores, en uno predomina un frente vidriado, mientras que el otro fue realizado en chapa, y acompañan ventanas y ventanales que tienen como fin ornamentar la estructura; Ahora cuyas ventanas dejan ver gigantografias que representan a una parte de la historia de Ushuaia

Source: Family Álbum

The first property that I want to let you know is an emblematic property of the city; In this place there is a thematic business dedicated to preserving and making known the history of this extreme city. The building is a well-preserved period building, made of wood with a front and sheet metal roofs; The facade is enhanced with wooden moldings; It can be seen that the front is divided into two sectors, in one a glazed front predominates, while the other was made of sheet metal, and they are accompanied by windows and large windows that are intended to decorate the structure; Now whose windows reveal gigantographs that represent a part of the history of Ushuaia

El diseño interior del lugar no deja ver que está construido en mampostería, la división de los entre pisos está hecho en cemento; Las paredes que dan al patio de la propiedad conserva el mismo tipo de construcción en chapa como la fachada del edificio. Se puede apreciar claramente el diseño construidos en madera para destacar las gigantografias, y todos los pequeños artículos que cuentan una historia de la ciudad. Clara mente esta galería temática fue construida para mantener viva la historia de esta hermosa ciudad. El diseño interior acompaña claramente a la edificación de época, y si la galería temática deseaba mantener viva la historia del lugar, hay que admitir que lo han logrado; Es difícil caminar por su interior y no pensar en esos momentos dorado de la ciudad pesquera

Source: Family Álbum

The interior design of the place does not show that it is built in masonry, the division of the between floors is made of cement; The walls facing the property's courtyard retain the same type of sheet metal construction as the building's façade. You can clearly see the design built in wood to highlight the billboards, and all the small items that tell a story of the city. Clearly this thematic gallery was built to keep the history of this beautiful city alive. The interior design clearly accompanies the period building, and if the thematic gallery wanted to keep the history of the place alive, it must be admitted that they have succeeded; It is difficult to walk through its interior and not think of those golden moments of the fishing city

El primer edificio que les enseñe guarda en su interior el ¨patrimonio¨ ¨cultural¨ del lugar; Mientras que este, se ocupa de tener seguro el ¨patrimonio¨ de los ¨habitantes¨ de la bahía. Esta propiedad de época también fue construida con los mismos elementos que se utilizaron en la creación de las primeras edificaciones de la ciudad; La chapa en sus fachadas, como las maderas en sus molduras decorativas. En esta propiedad tiene una mayor presencia la madera en su fachada; La chapa también cumple un rol fundamental en la construcción del techo. El edificio de esta propiedad fue construido sobre el frente de dos calles, y los freten están unido por una hermosa torre que termina con un techo a cuatro aguas

Source: Family Álbum

The first building that I show you keeps inside the "cultural" heritage of the place; While this one deals with having the “patrimony” of the “inhabitants” of the bay safe. This period property was also built with the same elements that were used in the creation of the first buildings in the city; The sheet metal on its facades, like the wood in its decorative moldings. In this property, wood has a greater presence on its façade; The sheet metal also plays a fundamental role in the construction of the roof. The building of this property was built on the front of two streets, and the fronts are joined by a beautiful tower that ends with a hipped roof

Esta ciudad costera conserva muy bien el estilo inconfundible de la época, donde la chapa y la madera era el material base de construcción; Algo más para destacar, son los vivos colores que se utilizan para resaltar las propiedades una de otras. Las imágenes que pueden apreciar las tomo mi esposa en la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨ con un teléfono móvil ¨Moto¨¨E7¨

Source: Family Álbum
This coastal city preserves very well the unmistakable style of the time, where sheet metal and wood were the basic construction material; Something else to highlight, are the bright colors that are used to highlight the properties one from another. The images you can see are taken by my wife in the ¨City¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨ with a ¨Moto¨¨E7¨ mobile phone


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


These are great buildings with lovely infrastructural facilities and design.

Hello dear friend @vickoly good afternoon
I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my post.
have a beautiful afternoon

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
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Greetings dear friend @jlufer. Is this publication the sequel to your previous architecture post? The city of Ushuaia in Argentina, also known as the southernmost city of the world, is indeed a marvelous urban environment. With its remote location, it's simply fascinating to experience its distinctive as well as peculiar architectural styles. I'm specifically drawn to this building below. At first glance, I imagined it was a residential complex, but after zooming in, it's actually a financial institution. Appearances can be deceiving sometimes, right? Thank you for showcasing this special feature. Have a fantastic weekend ahead. 😊


Hello dear friend @storiesoferne good day
I entered to reply to @aplusd's comment and I found your comment, sorry for the delay in my response

Formerly that building was a housing complex, until it was acquired by a branch of the Patagonia bank

This city is one of those that live the reality of the country; When the country (Argentina) is well economically, the city is also well, but when the situation is bad, in this part of the world it feels much more, and that is when the inhabitants migrate.

Many years ago, after a huge crisis in the country, a good part of the inhabitants have left their homes, and it is in this scenario that the bank seizes this property.

The day you decide to visit South America; This is a destination that you cannot miss

I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week

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Hello dear friends @diyhub @priyanarc good day
Thank you very much for appreciating my post, it is a great motivation
I take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous week

I must admit those buildings are very beautiful 🤩 wow!!!

hello dear friend @smilestitches good day
Thank you very much for appreciating the images of the buildings of our city.
Have a great week

Ya they are really nice thanks too for sharing

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @jlufer! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #54. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive blockchain.

how are you dear friend @aplusd
Very happy of the appreciation you have for my post, thank you very much for supporting and promoting my post
have a prosperous week

 2 years ago  

Doing fine, and thank you to you too @jlufer for your continuous appreciation, contributions, and support. Cheers! 😀