The Avenue of the Presidents [ENG/ES]

English Version

The Avenue of the Presidents
In my last post I wrote about Paseo Avenue located in Vedado, Havana. And I described it as one of the most central and important of this locality, but a neighborhood where the aristocratic class of the island lived for many years has several famous sites and avenues of interest. The Presidents Avenue on which I am going to comment is one of the most famous and recognized.

Si Cover Paseo Parque.jpg

Si Avda Pdte.jpg

The avenue has a double lane, separated from each other by a wide central promenade. This promenade is a park with beautiful and well-kept gardens and a variety of different shrubs. I must say that compared to the Paseo avenue, the trees are not as leafy and do not cast much shade, so the sun hits most of the park directly, especially in the central walkway where I was walking. I really have to consider choosing a different time to visit these places because I always manage to do it in the sunniest time je.

Si Paseo arboles.jpg

Si BAnco Flores.jpg

Si Paseo Arboles 1.jpg

Its name is G Street (because this is the letter assigned to it and identifies it in the urban nomenclature system), but it is known as Presidents Avenue because of the different monuments of former presidents of Latin America that are exposed here, and this is what makes it unique and distinctive. We can also delight ourselves with the buildings that surround it. In the surroundings we find several well-known buildings such as: "The Presidente Hotel" a symbol of the architecture of the early twentieth century. The Ministry of Foreign Relations of Cuba. The Maternity Hospital, known by the name of one of its streets, "The Maternity of Line", or the recognized cultural center "The House of the Americas". Many of these buildings are old and still maintain their splendor, elegance and stand out for their luxurious design.

Si Maternidad Linea.jpg

Si Hotel Presidente.jpg

Si Minrex.jpg

The first monument that was erected on the avenue was that of Tomas Estrada Palma, first president of the Republic of Cuba of which only its base remains because in 1959 with the overthrow of the prevailing government the Cuban people destroyed his statue, for having had this ideal president who was not in accordance with the new political system. Even so, what is left of it looks quite beautiful. This is one of the quietest and most shaded places in the park. In front of the statue there is a circular fountain made of marble as well as the benches that surround it. This space forces us to stop because it is right in the middle of our path, it is impossible to pass by here and not stop for a moment to admire this work.

Si Monumento Estrada P.jpg

Si Monumento Estra aP1.jpg

Si Monumento Fuente marmol.jpg

Towards the end of this street reaching the Malecon, was the monument to the general of our struggles for Independence Calixto Garcia, which was moved to another site to avoid corrosion due to its proximity to the sea, only remains in this space the flagpole of the Cuban flag with her waving on top.

Si Bandera.jpg

This avenue is sure to be liked by many Latin Americans as it has beautiful sculptures of prominent former presidents of our America who have fought for the freedom and dignity of their people.

I had to walk a long way to find on my path the imposing monument made in honor of the Liberator Simón Bolívar. This statue is a replica of the one in Caracas, of which our national hero José Martí wrote that the first thing he did when he arrived on Venezuelan soil without even dusting himself off was to visit it, as a symbol of respect for this great man. And that is what the monument imposes, respect. It is the tallest sculpture in the entire park, and to reach it we must climb a set of marble steps. When we reach its pedestal and look up, the bronze statue looks like a giant on his horse standing on its hind legs. It is one of the sculptures that most captivated me because of the beautiful contrast between the white marble of the floor and the black granite of its base. I also really liked all the ornamental plants around it.

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Si Bolivar - copia.jpg

Si Bolivar 1 - copia.jpg

Si Bolivar 2.jpg

As we continue ascending through this park we find the simple and beautiful monument in honor of the former president and Ecuadorian hero Eloy Alfaro, who made great changes in his country for the welfare of his people. His bronze bust rises among the rocks and in his hand he holds a machete as a symbol of rebellion.

Si Eloy Alfaro.jpg

Si Eloy Alfaro1.jpg

Walking a little further on is the bronze figure of Mexico's first president Benito Juarez, a hero universally known for his defense of his country's sovereignty. The statue is embracing his beloved Mexican flag and stands on a pink marble pedestal from which protrudes in bronze the Coat of Arms of the Mexican States.

Si Benito Juarez.jpg

Si benito Juares1.jpg

A few steps away from this monument dedicated to the Mexican hero, surrounded by beautiful bushes is the statue of former Panamanian President Omar Torrijos, with his hands together, representing unity in the struggle for the return of the Panamanian canal to his people. This bust is quite similar to the one of Eloy Alfaro, the same emerges from the rock, which for me is a novel way of representing these two monuments, which I liked very much.

Si Omar Torrijos 1.jpg

Si Omar Torrijos.jpg

At the end of my tour I found the recognized figure of the former president of Chile Salvador Allende, a great friend of the Cuban people who always supported the struggle of the peoples of Latin America to achieve their sovereignty. With his hand in the air he seems to be giving one of his speeches and also offering a greeting to all of us who approached to admire this great sculptural work.

Si Allende.jpg

Si Allende 1.jpg

So far my walk. Just at the intersection with 23rd Avenue I concluded the walk. The street has more distance, but I had walked quite a bit and that added to the heat of the day made me get exhausted much faster.

For me, this avenue is a beautiful place with very pleasant views. It is like walking all the time through a huge outdoor art exhibition where we can admire firsthand their beautiful artwork.

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I say goodbye with a big hello, hoping you can enjoy this wonderful walk.
See you next time!😀

-All images are my property, taken from my Huawei P Smart cell phone.

You can fallow me on my social networks:

Discord: jordy0827#8374



Versión en Español

La Avenida de los Presidentes
En mi publicación pasada escribí sobre la avenida Paseo ubicada en la localidad del Vedado, La Habana. Y la describí como una de las más céntricas e importantes de esta localidad, pero un barrio donde vivió por muchos años la clase aristocrática de la isla cuenta con varios sitios y avenidas famosas y de interés. Por lo que La Avenida de los Presidentes sobre la cual voy a comentar es una de las más celebres y reconocidas.

Si Cover Paseo Parque.jpg

Si Avda Pdte.jpg

La avenida tiene una doble vía, separadas entre sí por un amplio paseo central. Este paseo es un parque con bellos y bien cuidados jardines y una gran variedad de diferentes arbustos. Debo decir en comparación con la avenida Paseo que sus árboles no son tan frondoso y no proyectan mucha sombra, por lo que el sol incide bastante directo en la mayor parte del parque, sobre todo en su paso central por donde me encontraba caminando. Realmente tengo que plantearme escoger un horario diferente para visitar estos lugares porque siempre me las arreglo para hacerlo en el horario más soleado je.

Si Paseo arboles.jpg

Si BAnco Flores.jpg

Si Paseo Arboles 1.jpg

Su nombre es calle G (por ser esta la letra que tiene asignada y que la identifica en el sistema urbano de nomenclatura), pero se la conoce como Avenida de los Presidentes por los diferentes monumentos de ex presidentes de Latinoamérica que se encuentran aquí expuestos, y es lo que la hace única y distintiva. También podemos deleitarnos con las edificaciones que la rodean. En los alrededores encontramos varias construcciones muy reconocidas como: “El Hotel Presidente” un símbolo de la arquitectura de principios del siglo XX. El Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores de Cuba. El hospital materno infantil, conocido por el nombre de una de sus calles, “Maternidad de Línea”, o el reconocido centro cultural “La casa de las Américas “. Muchas de estas construcciones son antiguas y aún mantienen su esplendor, elegancia y destacan por su lujoso diseño.

Si Maternidad Linea.jpg

Si Hotel Presidente.jpg

Si Minrex.jpg

El primer monumento que se erigió en la avenida fue el de Tomas Estrada Palma, primer presidente de la República de Cuba del que sólo queda su base porque en el año 1959 con el derrocamiento del gobierno imperante el pueblo cubano destruyó su estatua, por haber tenido este presidente ideal que no era acorde al nuevo sistema político. Aun así, luce bastante hermoso lo que queda de él. Este es uno de los sitios del parque más tranquilos y con más sombra. Delante de la Estatua hay una fuente circular elaborada en mármol al igual que los bancos que la rodean. Este espacio nos obliga a detenernos ya que esta justo en medio de nuestro camino, es imposible pasar por aquí y no detenerse un momento a admirar esta obra.

Si Monumento Estrada P.jpg

Si Monumento Estra aP1.jpg

Si Monumento Fuente marmol.jpg

Hacia el final de esta calle llegando al Malecón, estaba el monumento al general de nuestras luchas por la Independencia Calixto García, el cual fue trasladado a otro sitio para evitar la corrosión debido a su cercanía con el mar, solo queda en este espacio el asta de la bandera cubana con ella ondeando en lo alto.

Si Bandera.jpg

Esta avenida de seguro va a ser del agrado de muchos latinoamericanos ya que cuenta con bellas esculturas de destacados ex presidentes de nuestra América que han luchado por la libertad y la dignidad de sus pueblos.

Tuve que caminar un largo tramo para encontrar en mi camino el imponente monumento hecho en honor al Libertador Simón Bolívar. Esta estatua es una réplica de la que hay en Caracas, de la cual nuestro héroe nacional José Martí escribió que lo primero que hizo al llegar a tierra venezolana sin ni siquiera quitarse el polvo del camino fue ir a visitarla, en símbolo de respeto hacia este gran hombre. Y eso es lo que impone el monumento, respeto. Es la escultura más alta de todo el parque, y para llegar a ella debemos subir un conjunto de escalones de mármol. Cuando alcanzamos su pedestal y miramos hacia lo alto, la estatua en bronce parece un gigante sobre su caballo que se levanta sobre sus patas traseras. Es una de las esculturas que más me cautivó por lo hermoso del contraste entre el mármol blanco del suelo y el granito negro de su base. También me gustó muchísimo todo el decorado de plantas ornamentales que tiene alrededor.

Si Bolivar escaleras - copia.jpg

Si Bolivar - copia.jpg

Si Bolivar 1 - copia.jpg

Si Bolivar 2.jpg

Al seguir ascendiendo por este parque nos encontramos con el sencillo y bello monumento en honor al ex presidente y héroe ecuatoriano Eloy Alfaro, quien realizó grandes cambios en su país por el bienestar de su pueblo. Su busto en bronce surge entre las rocas y en su mano sostiene un machete como símbolo de rebeldía.

Si Eloy Alfaro.jpg

Si Eloy Alfaro1.jpg

Al caminar un poco más adelante está la figura en bronce del primer presidente de México Benito Juárez, héroe universalmente conocido por su defensa a la soberanía de su país. La estatua está abrazando su amada bandera mexicana y esta parada sobre un pedestal en mármol rosa del cual sobresale en bronce el Escudo de los Estados Mexicanos.

Si Benito Juarez.jpg

Si benito Juares1.jpg

A unos pocos pasos de este monumento dedicado al héroe mexicano, rodeada de hermosos arbustos se encuentra la estatua del ex presidente de Panamá Omar Torrijos, con sus manos juntas, representando la unidad en la lucha por la devolución del canal panameño a su pueblo. Este busto es bastante parecido al de Eloy Alfaro, igual emerge de la roca lo que para mí es una manera novedosa de representar estos dos monumentos, la cual me gustó mucho.

Si Omar Torrijos 1.jpg

Si Omar Torrijos.jpg

Al final de mi recorrido encontré la reconocida figura del ex presidente de Chile Salvador Allende, gran amigo del pueblo cubano que siempre apoyó la lucha de los pueblos de Latinoamérica para que alcanzaran su soberanía. Con su mano en alto parece estar pronunciando uno de sus discursos y además ofreciendo un saludo a todos los que nos acercamos a admirar esta gran obra escultórica.

Si Allende.jpg

Si Allende 1.jpg

Hasta aquí mi caminata. Justo en la intersección con la avenida 23 concluí el paseo. La calle tiene más distancia, pero yo había caminado bastante y eso sumado al calor del día hizo que me agotara mucho más rápido.

Para mí, esta avenida es un sitio hermoso con unas vistas muy placenteras. Es como caminar todo el tiempo por una inmensa exposición de arte al aire libre en donde podemos admirar de primera mano sus bellas obras.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-21 at 10.58.53 PM.jpeg

Me despido con un gran Saludo, deseando que puedan disfrutar de este maravilloso paseo.
¡Hasta la próxima! 😀

-Todas las imagenes son de mi propiedad, tomadas desde mi telefono celular Huawei P Smart.

Pueden seguirme en mis redes sociales:

Discord: jordy0827#8374




Cuanto me gusta este encanta la Habana y me llevaste a cada rincón de esta avenida tan detalladamente que me transporte. Gracias amiga mía...un abrazo 😘💜

How much I love this tour...I love Havana and you took me to every corner of this avenue so detailed that it transports me. Thank you my friend...a hug 😘💜



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Thank you very much for stopping by. A pleasure to have taken you on a tour.

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My friend this was an impressive tour, like always with you. Now that you referred to people from "the Republic phase" here in Cuba, I remember your doubt about nowadays Cuban electoral system. Did you check my answer? I think you missed it. Best regards.

But of course I read your answer! and I didn't answer you back because I understood what you explained about the doubts I told you.

Oh, pero qué bonitas fotos. Esa avenida mira que la caminé lo mismo para arriba que para abajo en dirección al mar. Pues estuve becada en F y 3era. Y tu primera foto es G e/21 y 23, justo donde está la casona que en mis tiempos era la Facultad de Comunicación y Periodismo, al lado de la Casa Balear y justo al frente en la esquina de 21, está el Instituto de Periodismo José Martí. Qué recuerdos me has hecho evocar!!! Un abrazo y gracias por el paseo soleado. Una maravilla.

Oh, what beautiful photos. I walked up and down that avenue in the direction of the sea many times. And your first photo is G Street between 21 and 23, right where the big house is, which in my day was the Faculty of Communication and Journalism, next to the Casa Balear and just in front on the corner of 21, we can visit the José Martí Institute of Journalism. What memories you have brought back!!! A hug and thanks for the sunny walk. A marvellous one.

I'm glad you liked it and that it made you remember your time as a student. I imagine you have a lot of anecdotes from that time jaja.

Me alegro que te haya gustado y que te haya hecho recordar tu tiempo de estudiante. Imagino que tengas muchas anécdotas de esa época jaja

Ohhh friend what a trip!! One of the most imposing avenues in Havana, that of the presidents, spectacular description, with all its details, a long journey, from the boardwalk to the central 23rd street, with its great intermediate monuments, an interesting avenue, a very nice stand.❤️

Ohhh amiga que recorrido!! Una de las avenidas más imponentes de la Habana, la de los presidentes, espectacular descripción, con todos sus detalles, un recorrido largo, desde malecón hasta la céntrica calle 23, con sus grandes monumentos intermedios, muy interesante avenida, muy bonito post ❤️

A very long ride, and uphill jeje and a very strong sun, ufff but it was worth it. Thanks for commenting.

Un recorrido muy largo, y de subida jeje y un sol muy fuerte, ufff pero valió la pena. Gracias por comentar.

Muy linda esa avenida, nunca he caminado por ahí, me gustaría hacerlo algún día ya que veo que sería un paseo muy entretenido 😊

Yes, a nice walk... Bring an umbrella jaja.

Pues si, un bonito paseo... Lleva una sombrilla jaja.

@jordy0827 Greetings dear friend, this avenue with the sculptures of the presidents of Latin America is spectacular, Cuba has always been an example of Latin American integration and in short it is a replica equal to the sculpture of Simon Bolivar which is located in the Plaza de Caracas, Thank you for giving us this wonderful tour full of a lot of architecture, culture and above all, integration. Blessings 😊🙏

Thank you very much for your kind words, I knew Venezuelans would like it!

It is a beautiful park, I imagine it must be very long because of the number of buildings you took pictures of and the sculptures. Strolling there and resting on the benches must be very relaxing, especially since you say it is close to the sea.

As for the statue of Simon Bolivar, it is exactly the same as the one in Plaza Bolivar a few blocks from where I live. Even the color of the marble of the pedestal.

The avenue is quite long, in fact I did not finish it. I missed a final sculpture but I was already very tired.
Here the figure of Simon Bolivar is well known and respected.
I'm glad you liked it.

Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1826.

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Thank you very much!!

Wow what a great post amiga, I spent my youth on weekends there.

Wow que gran post amiga, mi juventud me la pasaba los fines de semana por alla.

Jaja I can imagine your youth!

The sourounding buildings in the paseo is a good mix of old and new. Keep sharing!

Thank you very much!

Built in the early 20th century, the President Hotel has an amazing architectural design. Its ancient appearance is like a way of recalling history. In fact, a unique model has been developed in the construction of old buildings. Although it is common to almost all countries, the plans used vary.

It must be very exciting to be able to walk along the president's road, I like the various designs of the statues that are there

Yes, it is a very nice place and a very entertaining walk.

Cheers 😊

Greetings, here I am getting to know the beautiful places of Cuba, interesting and complete review, thank you very much for the tour @jordy0827

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks to you for your words. 😊

 last year  

Congratulations @jordy0827! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded GOLD MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 21. More power!


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I am very happy for the gold mark. Tnak you very much!

 last year  

We are truly delighted as well dear @jordy0827 for your awesome achievement. Thank you for your exceptional publications and keep up the high spirits! Cheers! 😀