Making a terrace in a new house

in Architecture+Design26 days ago

Hello all Hive friends in this community, one year ago I made a very tiny house according to my dream of having a tiny house in the hope that I wouldn't get tired of cleaning the house, because after all I only have one favorite room in the house namely the room. And the outdoor space is my mini garden in the front and back of the house. There is a very comfortable feeling when I look at my mini garden. So I can achieve my dream of having a small house with a large mini garden.

However, it turned out that there were several incidents that made me have to rearrange my house, namely because many of my friends came and my room was not enough to accommodate them all, while sometimes the rain fell so hard that I needed a very large room to accommodate them. all of them and so that my guests would be more comfortable when visiting my house, so my husband and I decided to build a terrace in my house. The terrace we are going to build this time is only a simple style because if the terrace we are going to build has a luxurious style it will be very unbalanced with the condition of our small house, and maybe in the future there will be more changes. Because this is a long-term project for my house.

To choose the roof of the house, I chose a canopy model with 2.5 millimeter steel supports and because I don't like lots of carvings, I chose a plain motif with just a few simple carvings. I also used this canopy to become a vine for my grape tree which we had just planted. Specifically for the roof, my husband chose a spandex type roof with a roof thickness of 0.35 MM. so that the zinc is strong and there is no bias sound when the weather is too hot as is happening now. I saw that there was a type of zinc spandex that when it was hot we heard the sound of rain, it turned out that the sound was the sound of zinc expanding and making a sound like the sound of rain.

Then I also made a terrace of the house which I designed simply with 2 low levels. This aims to build under the terrace so that our daily shoes and sandals are not scattered and look neatly stored on the terrace of our house. Then, because my vehicle is a two-wheeled vehicle, I made a slight incline so that my two-wheeled vehicle could climb into the house easily.

The choice of home ceramics is also a concern for me and I chose ceramic patterns with soft motifs with a few abstract cream colored patterns, while for the ceramics on the lower level I chose motifs such as stone motifs and in the future I will combine them with the color of my wall paint, but at the time of my post this I haven't painted my house yet. And everything requires a process. When my house has been painted, I will show you all how to combine the paint. And in your opinion, after the shape of this terrace is finished and in the future I will paint my house, what color should I choose for the appropriate color? Can you choose a suitable color because I'm a little confused about my future paint color?

Let's leave it in the comments column and greetings from Maytom, Indonesia

 21 days ago  

Congratulations dear @maytom! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 73. More power!


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Thank you for notification @aplusd

 19 days ago  

With great delight dear @maytom. Keep it up! 😀

In my opinion, white color goes well with everything. Regardless of the location of the house, it gives a sense of hygiene, and visually greater amplitude, for me it is always a success when the design causes me doubts

Yes, you are right and there are also many types of pure white @indipnash91

Hi @maytom, extensions and remodeling take time, when choosing ceramics there is a great variety that is somewhat difficult to select, at this point the white color combines with everything and gives the feeling of spaciousness; only it requires more effort to clean but it is very elegant. 🌼🌺🌷


wow..2 votes for white, thank you friend @belkyscabrera