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RE: Once neglected and now the center of attention

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Yes @aplusd, it's possible that they publish their posts in the architecture community all the time, so it's possible that they get continuous incubation, I think if I post in the same community all the time, I most likely won't be curated and that's the reason why I don't publish my posts. here continuously.

 2 years ago  

No, that is not the point. We implement fairness to all authors. If you continue to publish in our community (following all our rules of course), you will definitely be nominated to the OCD team for support.

On the other hand, you still can publish in other OCD-incubated communities as long as you space your posts at least 3 Days apart, including content in this community. Hope this is clear.

Yes all is clear, and makes sense, and this is all fine. 👌

 2 years ago  

We have no problems with the quality of your content. The only critical issue here is the timeframe interval of 3 DAYS for all your OCD-incubated community posts. If you follow this system, you will surely have a smoother journey on Hive. Thank you for your understanding.