Wooden furniture factory with modern design characteristics

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Hello everyone, I invite you to look at the art and design of teak wood which is defined as residential furniture.

Today I went to a wood factory to order a minimalist piece of furniture, namely a work desk for a special residential room. I was able to witness firsthand the process of making the table from a worker, a table that has a length of 5 meters with a width of 3.5 square meters. Some chairs in the living room are still in the measurement stage which will follow after the first table is finished. The wood factory that operates creates many residential furniture facilities and even all home appliances that are designed with existing shapes and sizes.

Timber mills provide many artistic qualities that range from furniture to suit your wants and needs, to modern designs that provide a wide range of features. If someone wants to build a minimalist housing from wood, they of course go to the wood factory to look for housing materials such as windows, door frames, and so on. These factories are located in rural areas which operated more than three years ago and are still operating today making a wide range of modern features from furniture.





In between the busyness of the furniture craftsmen, I also asked questions about the production of the tables, most of the hard workers were able to complete the manufacture of residential furniture within a few days. Here you can see the situation of the wood factory seems to look deserted, this factory is not too big with three permanent workers as professional artists in creating various variations of home appliances.




As we know, electric-powered machines are the main tools that are prioritized in building all furniture facilities, only some of the furniture uses their hands to carve flowers from the board, as I can see here only some of the polishing on the wood is done manually, measuring and tapping the hammer on the wood. furniture that needs to be nailed.





Channeling the smoothing on the side of the table, this is the first stage to enter the painting stage, as many as 30 tables are in the finishing layer, I feel more interested in the skills possessed by the craftsman. The design is classified as very beautiful, smooth, the art that the craftsmen have is so perfect they can build according to customer needs.

Minimalist furniture located between the order of the boards as from the minimalist door there are carvings, some of the doors are ordered by customers according to their wishes to achieve the desired goals, art craftsmen can adjust the carvings in the long run of about one week to complete the minimalist carvings.















I spent more than two hours completing the entire process of making residential furniture, a humble wood factory that stands in the midst of a community that is very well known by the local city that sells all household furniture products which are now selling well as a whole.

The small and modern building has a unique design made of wood, housing that has a unique characteristic built with minimal variations of wood.


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a table that has a length of 5 meters with a width of 3.5 square meters.

Are these the measurements for 1 work desk/table? If so, that piece of furniture is certainly long. Or is 5 meters the total dimension of several work tables to be joined together? By 3.5 square meters, do you mean the area, not the width? Please clarify.

The length of the table is 5 meters with a table area of ​​3.5 meters per work table. So each table has the same size with the same width, the table is specifically for the workspace in one individual desk, so I've made sure the size is relatively simple to place the work desk in a special room, Thank you for visiting to see the process of making a work desk with me @storiesoferne !

Okay, thank you for clarifying.

Thank you 🤝

May I suggest not smoking a cigarette during making your wooden furniture...😄 Lovely to see your work here.

Indeed, smoking is very wary of in the wood factory area and it is flammable, but they have taken care of the dangers of smoking there. 😀

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @opick! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #56. More power!


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Thank you to the Architecture+Design community especially I say a big thank you to @storiesoferne for creating this very valuable community, I will try to share even more special designs in the future.

 2 years ago  

With our utmost pleasure @opick. Thank you for your great support and awesome posts! 😀