Throttle Shrottle Cafe- A pet paradise!

So, How are you all?
Been ages, hope my friends and family of this community still recalls me:)

Let me make a comeback with a dapper cafe named Throttle Shrottle!

This cafe is conceptualized very uniquely. Here you will find bikers, multiple breeds of dogs, cats and some ducks and sparrows with obviously some humans and great food!


My little dog turned 1 this month so on his birthday we took him and his best friend along with us to this cafe, it's on outskirts of city sitting on Aravalli hills ranges, and had 1 hour drive from our home.

So, as we entered we were greeted with a good boy golden retriever. He was one of the staff member. Since there were many pups and animals so the friendly ones we open and rest were tied up on yard which was open to visitors.



The facade was super awesome as you see most of these bikes are cafe owned and some of them were of visitors. As I told earlier, many bike riders visits here.
Don't worry for people like me who had family along , there was a a proper car parking as well.

The mystical vibe
As one enters the vicinity, It appears to be a beautiful junkyard, with a small mezzanine for naughty dogos and sofa seatings for semi open dining,

And not to forget the amalgamation of trees inside is beautiful.
Donot assume this to be a parking, yes the bikes are inside as you sit along in this semi open space.

Wait, did you missed something in this picture?
Let me show you what.......

Two sweethearts!

We were not allowed to move up at the mezzanine, it was just for staff and pups.


Moving ahead, there are more surprises to this paradise.
Now that the semi seating space was all covered we moved inside, yes! this is huge property. So it had so much to offer.
As we moved in there was mist and fog around, which was made by the staff for amazing experience, not just the badges and travelers boards, they had soft seating inside for a wholesome experience.
and inside is where we met goldie, the cutest staff member who later guided us towards the open space garden seating for my pups to play along.



The interior was all rustic with brick wall painted white, the pitched roof and hanging souvenirs which many visitors left.
There was a cute wall with so many pets picture frame which was super adorable.

Moving along with the hospitality, yes not to ignore the fact that they served some of the delicious food. which is fairly priced and not too expensive. obviously a major plus point.

In all this I forgot to click pictures of food to share with you all.
but I have a cool graffiti to share.

Isn't it super cool!
You can see some of the outdoor garden peeping along the full size fixed window.
Meanwhile the food was being prepared, I jumped on to click some not so good pictures of some interesting creatures over there who were never stationary but always moving .


They were some of the inmates, and rest were not happy to get clicked so I respected that lol!
also one of mine here sitting with his best friend-



After we played alot with them and had good food and time of our lives. we tried to depart back to home which obviously my dogo jerry and his best friend doddle didn't liked so we had to carry them back to car and oh boy! was it tiring and wholesome moment.


As the evening shined upon, some lights and mists were activated. It's a vibe there, we so wanted to stay long but jerry my pet was so much tired by playing along all cafe in mates also he is just a 1 year old baby after all.
so we greeted good bye to lovely place and went our way back home.


All the pictures are mine.



Interesting aspect to running a place to relax with your pets, interior design made to matter donated by passers by or locals who slowly build a place with a good vibe.


Yes, indeed it's a vibe.
Thank you @joanstewart

It's a great place. The decor although stuffy, doesn't feel so. A real place to admire

Thank you @tibaire for your comment. Indeed it's a great place.

Greetings @praditya, This cafe was very creatively built. The facade really interesting with beautiful decorations. Interior designs very well arranged.

Yes it's beautiful, thank you friend @madushanka for your time on my post.
Good day to you.

 5 months ago  

Congratulations dear @praditya! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded the SILVER STAR in Architecture Anthology™ 63. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

Thank you so much 🙏

 5 months ago  

It is an enormous pleasure to serve you dear @praditya. Be consistent in publishing amazing A+D stories for our constant enjoyment. Cheers! 😀

Yeah, it's a cafe with a very extraordinary concept and now many people have implemented a cafe design concept like that... good post, friend.

Actually very unique concept.
thank you @lancang for your comment.

This place has an incredible concept, motorcycles and pets, it's great, a different experience. It is one of those places, where you have a lot to see, a lot of interesting objects to discover and good food.

Actually it's an incredible concept.
Thank you @doriangel for appreciation.

Hey @praditya, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

The cafe is very aesthetic @praditya

Indeed it is, thank you for your comment @maytom

Welcome back!
Yes actually it is super fun place.

Hello @praditya... This is a very different place. It has a beautiful and impressive atmosphere. I also really liked the paintings and decorations on the walls. Thanks. 👍👍🐝

The trees seem to have a coexisting effect with the human touch of urbanisation. Nice to see such a change in cafe atmosphere 😌👌 What do u like to drink at this cafe?