Marine Quarter Building


Basement structure was finalized, with concrete, and some pipes running.

The photos shows one level above.

So I'll count as second floor.

Please I would love to hear comments and feedback from professionals from different parts of our globe.

There is no update from 23/02/22 as the rain was pretty intense, something like 300mm of rain in the morning plus 500mm in the afternoon up to 700mmm in some areas of the Gold Coast.
It was huge.




 2 years ago  

Dear @punknature2021. This is your second post in the Architecture+Design Community that has not followed our community rules, particularly the minimum number of 500 words for English language content. Thank you for your attention.

My apologies,

I did not realize that it was more focused in history of the buildings, I was updating the construction of the building beside my house as I thought it could be interesting for students and design lovers.