Architecture+Design Community Contest: World Architecture Day | Conjunto Residencial el Paraiso - Caracas

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)


Hoy les quiero hablar de no solo un edificio, sino de muchos edificios. Se trata del conjunto residencial el paraiso, para este post me remonto a un viaje que logré realizar hace menos de un mes y por instinto mi compañera de aventuras (que mas adelante la conoceran) se dedicó a fotografiar todo, para segun ella tener el recuerdo de nuestra estadia.

Today I want to talk to you about not just one building, but about many buildings. It is about the residential complex el paraiso, for this post I go back to a trip that I managed to make less than a month ago and instinctively my companion of adventures (who will meet her later) dedicated herself to photographing everything, in order to have the memory of our stay.


El primer dia no tomamos muchas imágenes del lugar, solo la primera desde desde el bus y un par en el ascensor, ya que nos resultó bastante chistoso que haya una lista de deudores justo al lado del boton del mismo. estabamos muy cansados y con ganas de llegar al apartamento a donde nos quedariamos. Aqui me gustaria hacer un pequeño inciso, si bien tomamos muchas fotos dentro del apartamento, consideramos dos cosas, lo primero y muy importante es que forma parte de nuestra intimidad y por ello nos vamos a centrar un poco mas en el exterior y alrededores de este historico complejo y la segunda es que no podemos ser realistas o exactos en la descripcion de los interiores, ya que con el paso de los años cada inquilino ha realizado sus propios cambios y sabemos que algunos tienen 3 cuartos, otros 2, otros se convirtieron en espacio abierto.. entonces como dije anteriormente, nos enfocaremos en los espacios comunes que son los mas respetados en cuanto a arquitectura y diseño.

The first day we did not take many images of the place, only the first from the bus and a couple in the elevator, since we found it quite funny that there is a list of debtors right next to the button. We were very tired and eager to get to the apartment where we would stay. Here I would like to make a small paragraph, although we take many photos inside the apartment, we consider two things, the first and most important thing is that it is part of our privacy and therefore we are going to focus a little more on the exterior and surroundings of it historical complex and the second is that we cannot be realistic or exact in the description of the interiors, since over the years each tenant has made their own changes and we know that some have 3 rooms, others 2, others became open space.. then as I said before, we will focus on common spaces that are the most respected in terms of architecture and design.


A la mañana siguiente decidimos salir a recorrer el condominio, sabiamos que contaba con area verdes, aunque fué bastante decepcionante ver que todo estaba lleno de maleza y los juegos del parque infantil estaban tan deterioradas que son inutiles. el tobogan tiene un enorme agujero a medio camino, supongo que es una forma nueva de jugar.. Habian especies de caminos que recorrian todo el lugar y uno que otro banco donde honestamente no logramos ver a nadie sentado en los 3 dias que estuvimos ahi. A pesar de ello y de estar en la zona centrica de la ciudad, se respira un aire bastante limpio y al menos en ese momento habia un clima bastante agradable, un sol brillante y un brisa fresca que te golpeaba el rostro con suavidad. tambien nos gustó mucho el hecho de que hubieran maquinas de ejercicios, barras y una que otra pesa improvizada por algun vecino.

The next morning we decided to go out and tour the condominium, we knew that it had green areas, although it was quite disappointing to see that everything was full of weeds and the playgrounds were so damaged that they are useless. the slide has a huge hole halfway through, I guess it's a new way to play .. There were kinds of paths that ran all over the place and the odd bench where we honestly couldn't see anyone sitting in the 3 days we were there. Despite this and being in the central area of ​​the city, the air is quite clean and at least at that time there was a fairly pleasant climate, a bright sun and a cool breeze that gently hit your face. We also really liked the fact that there were exercise machines, bars and the odd weight improvised by a neighbor.


Una de las cosas que a mi en lo personal me gustaron es que acceder a cada bloque de apartamentos es bastante dificil, lo que lo hace de cierto modo bastante seguro. si como nosotros entraste por la parte superior, llegarás a un estacionamiento para visitantes, donde conseguiras tiendas de todo tipo, peluquerias, farmacias, panaderia e incluso una sucursal bancaria. Todo a pesar del deterioro de los años está bastante limpio y los vendedores son muy amables y atentos con los clientes. cosa que sin duda marca la diferencia

One of the things that I personally liked is that accessing each apartment block is quite difficult, which makes it quite safe in a way. If, like us, you entered from the top, you will arrive at a visitor parking lot, where you will find all kinds of shops, hairdressers, pharmacies, a bakery and even a bank branch. Everything despite the deterioration of the years is quite clean and the vendors are very friendly and attentive to customers. something that undoubtedly makes the difference


Luego de recorrer un tramo llegas a una espcie de pasillo, donde se encuentra un centro de educacion especial, a partir de ahi se encuentran estos espacios de reposo por llamarlo de alguna manera. Tambien vimos una panaderia oculta en uno de estos pasillos. al final hay una reja con seguro electronico y luego de eso entras a otro pasillo mas cerrado con la entrada a los ascensores de los respectivos bloques. Estos tambien estan enrejados con seguros electronicos. supongo que todo esto es debido a las guarimbas del 2018, cuando se vivió una etapa de terror en este complejo, en el siguiente link podran ver una especie de relato que mustra de manera concreta lo que ocurrio esos dias y el terror que vivieron los habitantes del complejo

After traveling a section you arrive at a kind of corridor, where there is a special education center, from there you will find these resting spaces to call it somehow. We also saw a hidden bakery in one of these corridors. At the end there is a gate with electronic insurance and after that you enter another more closed corridor with the entrance to the elevators of the respective blocks. These are also latticed with electronic locks. I suppose that all this is due to the guarimbas of 2018, when a period of terror was lived in this complex, in the following Link you will be able to see a kind of story that shows in a concrete way what happened those days and the terror that the inhabitants lived of the complex


Justo al lado de la entrada del estacionamiento para invitados, se encuentra la entrada al estacionamiento subterraneo, el cual nos fué bastante util para taparnos de la lluvia al llegar a casa luego de hacer diligencias. He de admitir que fué bastante confuso para nosotros, nuestra tecnica era seguir al carro que teniamos al frente y rogar que llegaramos a nuestro sitio de estacionar.

Right next to the entrance to the guest parking is the entrance to the underground parking lot, which was quite useful for us to cover ourselves from the rain when we got home after running errands. I have to admit it was quite confusing for us, our technique was to follow the car in front of us and beg us to get to our parking spot.


Logicamente tambien se puede llegar a los estacionamientos desde dentro del edificio, aunque debo admitir que decir tenebrozo se queda corto, es un espacio oscuro con poca ventilacion y mucho olor a humo. Segun entendimos tiene 3 niveles aunque creo que solo estuvimos en el segundo. Los puestos de estacionamiento de los residentes tienen jaulas de seguridad individuales para mayor seguridad, lo que de alguna manera nos brindó mayor seguridad y facilitó la toma de decisión de alquilar un vehiculo para desplazarnos por la ciudad. Sabiamos que nadie lo iba a tocar metido en una jaula, ni que ningun otro conductor podria rayarlo por accidente, haciendonos pagar la multa por daños.

Logically you can also get to the parking lots from inside the building, although I must admit that saying tenebrozo falls short, it is a dark space with little ventilation and a lot of smell of smoke. As we understood it has 3 levels although I think we were only in the second. The residents' parking stalls have individual security cages for greater security, which in some way gave us greater security and facilitated the decision-making to rent a vehicle to move around the city. We knew that no one was going to touch him in a cage, nor that any other driver could accidentally scratch him, making us pay the fine for damages.


Volviendo un momento a nuestra zona segura y libre de humo, vamos a hablar un poco del edificio en si. A finales de los años 70, entre el mandato del presidente Raul Leoni y Rafael Cardera, Venezuela atravesaba una epoca de bonanza y de crecimiento gracias a las riquezas petroleras y a pesar del descontecto de algunas personas, el pais evolucionaba rapidamente para convertir a Caracas en una ciudad moderna y adelantada a su epoca, para ese entonces se veia con entusiasmo la idea de los superbloques, edificios o zonas residenciales que en su interior albergaban todo lo que una familia podia necesitar, es por ello que este conjunto posee practicamente todo tipo de negocios. Es algo parecido a lo que el presidente chavez llamó ciudades comunales.

Going back to our safe and smoke-free zone for a moment, let's talk a bit about the building itself. At the end of the 70s, between the terms of President Raul Leoni and Rafael Cardera, Venezuela was going through a period of prosperity and growth thanks to the oil wealth and despite the discontent of some people, the country was rapidly evolving to turn Caracas into a A modern city ahead of its time, at that time the idea of ​​superblocks, buildings or residential areas that housed everything that a family could need inside was enthusiastically seen, that is why this group has practically all kinds of businesses . It is something similar to what President Chavez called communal cities.


En resumen, el conjunto residencial el paraiso fué uno de los mas modernos hace 20 años y a pesar de que hoy en dia se encuentra bastante deteriorado y abandonado de cierta manera, no deja de ser un conjunto de edificios imponentes, iconicos y que guarda gran cantidad de historias. está lleno de cultura ya que está ubicado en el paraiso, sitio que en su momento fué conformado por varias parroquias que sedieron parte de su territorio para crear una zona cosmolita, imnovadora y sofisticada, donde se juntaron personas de todas las clases sociales y formaron comunidades y emprendimientos que hoy en dia, conforman la gran red de comercios en toda la zona. sin duda es un sitio y una zona en general que puede estar mejor, sin duda tiene mucho potencial para convertirse en un de las mejores zonas de la ciudad. Aunque aun con su deterioro sigue siendo por decirlo de alguna manera, la capital del lado este de la ciudad de Caracas.

In summary, the residential complex El Paraiso was one of the most modern 20 years ago and despite the fact that today it is quite deteriorated and abandoned in a certain way, it is still a set of imposing, iconic buildings that keeps a large amount of stories. It is full of culture since it is located in paradise, a site that at the time was formed by several parishes that were part of its territory to create a cosmolite, innovative and sophisticated area, where people from all social classes came together and formed communities and enterprises that today make up the great network of shops throughout the area. Without a doubt it is a place and an area in general that can be better, without a doubt it has a lot of potential to become one of the best areas of the city. Although even with its deterioration it continues to be, to say the least, the capital of the east side of the city of Caracas.


Asi nos despedimos mi compañera de aventuras y yo, volviendo a casa y deseando vivir nuestra proxima aventura. Hemos encontrado muchos sitios geniales en la ciudad de Caracas que nos gustaria visitar, documentar y mostrar al mundo. Esto no ha terminado, esto a penas comienza. Gracias por leer.

So my adventure companion and I said goodbye, returning home and looking forward to our next adventure. We have found many great places in the city of Caracas that we would like to visit, document and show the world. This is not over, this is just beginning. Thank you for reading.


I bet you enjoyed your tour of El Paraiso. I can't wait for your next blog. Greetings from the Philippines!

Yes, we really enjoy it a lot, the warmth of its people makes us fall in love. People out there don't focus on the bad, they look for solutions and strive to work and get ahead. Greets and a hug :D

People out there don't focus on the bad, they look for solutions and strive to work and get ahead

This is so amazing to hear, I am at peace when I hear something like this. Greetings and hugs from the Philippines!

Warm greetings @randomproject123. It's been a long while since your last publication in this community. Great to see you here again - so welcome back! El Paraiso, in spite of its aging condition, is definitely one of the concrete testaments of progress for Caracas during its initial developments as a metropolis. That residential complex is proof of the power of how architecture can reshape a barren landscape and assemble together people from all walks of life to live under one roof, hence, the concept is called a communal city. With better maintenance, renovation works, and additional funds, those existing buildings may still be enhanced aesthetically, structurally, and functionally for more sustainability. During your personal observations on the site, what do you think needs to be immediately improved first in that residential complex?

Thank you for joining the OCD Community Boost Contest for Architecture+Design. Wonderful post!

I recently learned that they plan to make a well to supply water to the entire community, that would take a great burden off everyone, giving them free time for other activities and also reducing the wear and tear on the elevators.

On the other hand, if that becomes a reality, the biggest problem would be security. By having public institutions inside it, it cannot be closed completely, so I would make independent entrances to those entities and improve the lighting of the entire exterior.

I think that these small, but fundamental things would make a big change, since for example nobody cares about cleaning and repairing the park in the green areas, because nobody feels safe taking their children there in the afternoons.

So in summary, it would increase security so that the same neighbors are motivated to improve their common areas that they themselves will enjoy.

Amazing! Your practical suggestions make a lot of sense. That residential complex most likely has a property management office that takes care of the maintenance, repair, and development of the public areas for the tenants/owners of the condominium units. If so, it would also ease their difficulties. They're probably going to pay a monthly fee for that.

Furthermore, these types of towers typically have home associations or cooperative organizations that help systematize everything in place and assist in the various concerns of security, privacy, and enjoyment of their residents. With that, I'd guess life would be much easier in those towering environments. Thank you and have a productive week! 😊

Espectacular. Caracas es la ciudad de los grandes edificios. Recuerdo cuando viví allá me sorprendía mucho al levantar la vista para mirarlos. Estuve muchas veces por el sector El Paraíso, comí helados cremosos y muy sabrosos por ahí cerca. Te deseo muchísimas suerte en el concurso. Me gustaron mucho las fotografías.


Spectacular. Caracas is the city of great buildings. I remember when I lived there I was very surprised when I looked up to look at them. I was many times in the El Paraíso sector, I ate creamy and very tasty ice cream nearby. I wish you the best of luck in the contest. I really liked the photographs.

 3 years ago  

Hello @creacioneslelys. We’d appreciate it if you would provide/include the English language translation for your comment. Thank you for your consideration.