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RE: Mother Roaster, A Coffee Shop That Look A Like Garage

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this type of architecture! What a radical concept for a coffee shop @aswita! I haven't been and haven't seen one before. And based on your beautiful photos, it looks like an interesting space to chill and try a different kind of experience. 😊 Pardon me for my error on the Twitter-Posh description. That's suppose to be Thailand, not Indonesia. 😬

Weren't you scared of using that dilapidated wooden staircase going upstairs to the main cafe? How's the structural integrity of that old house?


Before climbing the stairs, I tried to be careful because it was a little noisy like wood rubbing, especially since I have a lot of weight. But it turns out that the wood used has a power that cannot be underestimated.

In fact, I've never seen this coffee shop in my city, they take advantage of an old house that hasn't been renovated at all, usually, coffee shops are made very fancy to attract attention. Very different from the mother roaster concept, isn't it fun?

Great to know that @aswita. I'm glad that old house is structurally suitable for a coffee shop operation. If not, their business permit wouldn't be approved in the first place, right? I'm curious though on what species of wood was used for that old staircase. Any idea? 😊

Isn't it obvious that it uses teak wood? maybe some of the wood has been replaced with meranti wood or similar, but for the big structure they use teak wood which is known for its durability. Is there another type of wood that is stronger?

Yes, teak wood is a suitable component for staircases, but can also be used for other spaces due to its durability and water-resistance. It's extremely popular in outdoor decks and terraces for swimming pools. Other alternatives for staircases could be oak, maple, and engineered types of wood which are becoming popular in architectural solutions nowadays. 😊