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RE: Gothic Art: remarks for a debate

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

When we deal with the real origins of architectural styles, this would seldom lead us to road blocks due to the nonexistence of relevant data, lack of information, or merely the inauthenticity of knowledge gathered. Otherwise, who knows? Perhaps it's true that Gothic Art originated from the Knights of the Order of the Temple or somewhere else. But, until more scientific evidence is collected to bring us closer to the facts, more recent revelations may be a far cry from what was initially discovered. On a positive note, interesting speculations like these issues always challenge us to squeeze our curious minds in our relentless pursuit of the truth. Interesting argument @juancar347. Have a splendid week!


It is true that everything is relative and that having little or no known origins, it is generally chosen to attach the easiest or most relevant option. That is precisely why I have chosen the relationship between the Gothic and the Templars, aware of the debate it can generate, especially in academic settings. But sometimes it is convenient to abandon established academic scripts and drift into the dangerous quicksand of speculation. Actually, there is a very close connection between this medieval order and this style. In fact, they were the bankers of Europe and those who could afford to finance, for example, the great cathedrals. And it seems very real, too, that this style was an import brought to Europe, both by the Templars and by the Crusaders who returned bringing with them the remarkable knowledge acquired there. I think that if there were, so to speak, 'an archeology of architectural styles', I think we would come to the conclusion, fantastic as such a statement may seem, of a 'common source' from which they all arose. Change the design, but not the math or the concept. Thank you very much for your always interesting comments and best regards.
Es cierto que todo es relativo y que habiendo unos orígenes tan poco o nada conocidos, generalmente se opta por acoplar la opción más fácil o relevante. Por eso, precisamente, he elegido la relación entre el gótico y los templarios, consciente del debate que puede generar, sobre todo en ámbitos académicos. Pero a veces es conveniente abandonar los guiones académicos establecidos y dejarse embarcar por las peligrosas arenas movedizas de la especulación. En realidad, hay una conexión muy estrecha entre esta orden medieval y este estilo. De hecho, ellos fueron los banqueros de Europa y los que podían permitirse el lujo de financiar, por ejemplo, las grandes catedrales. Y parece muy real, también, que este estilo fuera una importación traída a Europa, tanto por los templarios como por los cruzados que regresaban trayendo con ellos notables conocimientos allí adquiridos. Creo que si existiera, por decirlo así, 'una arqueología de los estilos arquitectónicos', creo que llegaríamos a la conclusión, por fantástico que pueda parecer tal afirmación, de una 'fuente común' de la que nacieron todos ellos. Cambia el diseño, pero no la matemática ni el concepto. Muchas gracias por tus siempre interesantes comentarios y un cordial saludo.