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RE: Nudism: Clear out the clothes to embrace the flaws

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

The application of nudism in architecture is one of the most interesting concepts that have garnered a lot of praise. With its transparent characteristic, it has a raw appeal, paving the way for occupants of such spaces to simply marvel at the exposed structural elements of the building. Would you apply this design principle to your own residential project? Why and why not?


As much as I like minimalism, I also favors nudism in architecture. I'll definitely apply the concept in my projects. Instead of going over the costly finishing to hide structural element, we can embrace it and be part of the aesthetics. For me, having the exposed pipes and beams resonates to a rustic farm house feel, and I like that. I think there is a beauty being raw and simple.

Yes, I agree. The COST incurred will be a primary concern when purchasing additional building materials, merely to conceal the building's structural framework. Thank you for this awesome post!