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RE: Going Green with the Application of Renewable Energy in Building Construction

in Architecture+Design2 years ago

Elon Musk is probably today's forerunner of renewable energy. By adapting to his revolutionary ideas and by tapping on this enormous potential for power we can source from the sun and other natural forces, our long-term survival is assured. Exploiting fossil fuels, on the other hand, would only degrade our planet plus make problems worse. Hence, it's also a big must that renewable energy is harnessed by architecture and our built environments as they are one of the most dominant consumers of power. Great post! 😊


Yes, @storiesoferne ! That is the truth and the future. Elon Musk is a visionary leader. There is a need to efficiently harness the power of the renewable energy and the sun is something we have in abundant, it doesn't expire, it is not limited and it is free. Incorporating it in our life styles, environment and our building architecture adds more value and worth.

I'm glad for such a remarkable comments. Regards!

I agree, Musk led the way, now everyone is changing

Indeed @stefano.massari. Thanks to visionaries and game-changers like Elon Musk, we are assured of a brighter, more sustainable, and happier future. Grateful to you for joining the conversation. Appreciate it! 😊