Ladang Pamah Semelir House Exterior Design

Nowadays everyone has to be able to read about business opportunities in order to make more money, that's what I read when I visited this place. The background that has been provided by nature is managed well by the land owners with not too much capital but are able to make money from the tickets they sell even though this place is a little far from worth the price of the tickets sold by the owner. The ticket price they sell is Rp. 20,000 per person or the equivalent of 1.2 U$ dollars, actually this price is not too expensive if the facilities and management provided are good, but there are many better places and cheaper prices and are really worth visiting compared to this place.

However, I still give appreciation to the owner of this place because the place he provided created a lot of profits and he was able to make good use of this place. The name of this place is Rumah Ladang which is located in the Pamah Semelir area on the border between Langkat district and Karo district. The object being sold in this place is 1 hectare of land and on this land several joglos or huts have been built for resting places and there is a distance between each joglo so that visitors have privacy. And I see here that many visitors come with their lovers to find a moment to be as close as possible to tell stories.

Apart from the existence of the joglo, they used large stones that were already available there, then they planted them with green grass and several ornamental plants with the aim that visitors could take photos in this field with a stunning natural background. These plants are arranged neatly so that they have their own selling point to be published on visitors' social media, then the grass here is also very carefully maintained so that there are no bald or perforated grasses. Not far from there there was a family camping place, but because it was going to rain, I didn't go to that place.

Then, to get to the joglo or grassland that I mentioned above, we can cross a mini bridge and under this bridge there is a stream of water that is quite clear even though it has a small water discharge. This bridge is made very uniquely with an interesting design, as if the bridge is the door of a house and its shape is also like the roof of a house. Not only the mini bridge, there are also wooden branches which were deliberately designed by straightening the wood so that it becomes a hallway and then painting it white. And passing through this corridor there are also shady trees which add to the coolness of this place.

The management admits that their turnover in one day on weekends can reach 2 million rupiah and on weekdays it is not more than that. a fantastic figure if they only sell garden designs for photos like this. in the future maybe they can add more children's games or so on so that it is more interesting and they can improve road access when going to this place, because the road access to get to this place is very bad and just once I will come to this place .

Even though I am a little disappointed, I still congratulate the management who have succeeded in turning the land into a park and resting place under the foot of Mount Sinabung. What do you think friends? Is this place able to inspire you to use existing land to make it a new source of money for you? Looks like I also have to think about this in the future. Greetings, Tomi didiwirja, Indonesia


The strength of Pamah Simelir is its very clean nature and green leaves along the road.

Yes, that's right, bro. However, the road to get there is very steep and uphill

 25 days ago  

Congratulations dear @tomidiwirja! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 74. More power!


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Thank you @aplusd, hopefully in the future I can do better.

 23 days ago  

There is always room for improvement dear @tomidiwirja. Thank you for your tremendous efforts in captivating us with your remarkable A+D stories! 😀

A very rural place. I loved it🥰

yes, thank you @chacald.dcymt, have a nice day