The watchtower of Benajarafe / La torre vigía de Benajarafe

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

An example of the enormous historical heritage that the province of Malaga has are the watchtowers or watchtowers scattered along the coastline that have been silently guarding the coast for centuries. In the province we find 41 of these old beacon towers. Most of Muslim origin, built as stones and materials that were available at that time. All this work of art responded to the need to establish a series of guard posts that would warn of the arrival of enemy ships in order to face the defense. Today I am going to tell you about the largest one that is located in the coastal town of Benajarafe.

Un ejemplo del gran patrimonio histórico con el que cuenta provincia la de Malaga son las torres de vigías o atalayas repartidas por toda la costa, llevando siglos vigilando en silencio la costa. En la provincia encontramos 41 de estas antiguas torres almenaras. La mayoría de origen musulmán, construidas como piedras y materiales que disponían en esa época. Toda esta obra de arte respondía a la necesidad de establecer una serie de puestos de vigilancia que avisaran de la llegada de barcos enemigos para así poder afrontar la defensa. Hoy voy hablaros de la más grande que está situada en el pueblo costero de Benajarafe.


It receives the name of Torre Moya or Torre Gorda due to its large size. This one in particular was built in the 16th century, standing on a hill on the coastline at about 15 meters above sea level. It has a horseshoe shape, with a semicircular base topped by turrets.

Recibe el nombre de Torre Moya o Torre Gorda por su gran tamaño. Esta en concreto fue construida en el siglo XVI, situándose en una loma en primera línea de costa a unos 15 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Tiene forma de herradura, con base semicircular rematada mediante torretas.


It is eleven meters high and has walls more than two meters thick. Its central part is a very high parapet and inside it has two floors and a roof terrace. It is currently somewhat deteriorated because it was adapted as a private home.
The tower also suffers the consequences of the deterioration of its walls, as it is covered by climbing plants, but they must be eliminated because they accelerate the deterioration of the stone.

Tiene una altura de once metros y unos muros de más de dos metros de grosor. Su parte central es un parapeto muy alto y en su interior cuenta con dos plantas y una azotea. Actualmente está algo deteriorada porque se adaptó como vivienda particular.
La torre también sufre las consecuencias del deterioro de sus muros, al encontrarse cubierta por plantas trepadoras.pero que deben ser eliminadas porque aceleran el deterioro de la piedra.







When night falls it is quite a show as it has lights that enhance all its splendor from anywhere on the Benajarafe coast. Precisely in my profile photo that I use on WhatsApp you can see in the distance the majestic shape of this great old tower.

Cuando cae la noche es todo un espectáculo ya que tiene unas luces que realzan todo su esplendor desde cualquier punto de la costa de Benajarafe. Precisamente en mi foto de perfil que tenfo en mi Whatsapp se puede ver a lo lejos la forma majestuosa de esta gran antigua torre.

I hope you liked it.
Espero que os haya gustado.

Fotos hechas por @tropicarlos
Photos taken by @tropicarlos

I used a Google translator for english text



When I see something like this it makes me remember some of the old movies that I have watched. Most of the time this kind of structure is built to act as a watchtower for intruders.

 3 years ago  

Hello @tropicarlos, welcome to the Architecture+Design Community! Thank you for showcasing the fabulous watchtower of Benajarafe, a heritage landmark indeed.

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I am sorry I did not make the post with the minimum of words, the next time I will be very caredull that it does not happen to me again, thank you very much for the welcome.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your positive feedback, appreciate it. Have fun. 😊

Amazing, what was once used as a lookout for dangers is now a monument as technology has replaced what once was.


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