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RE: AteXoras 🍺 Pub - Let's go through some analysis...

in Pubs3 years ago

The pub being a school sounds great to me! I think I'd have to be very selective/cautious about the pools due to the potential for impermanent loss and how varying these tokens can be (look at how far from the softpeg DEC is/has been). Checking out Brofund/@brofi though, been trying to learn more about the various aspects of HIVE and the Hive Engine. The interconnectivity of tokens/interactions with posts feels a lot more cohesive than other ecosystems.


Interesting feedback. And not being on many more (anymore), I can't expand on it. But that feels like what it should be.

Pools are still on the experimentation kind of track. It's mostly for those who can afford to lose it. But as always, high risks, potentially higher returns. And requires some time/dedication in learning the risks.

Brofund is what I call, "a good recycling of tokens" when you "right now don't have the time to". Still exploring in that regard, but the project looks interesting. If going into a contract would be definitely something I would be interested in.