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RE: AteXoras 🍺 Pub - Upcoming Excitement

in Pubs3 years ago

No worries. I was under the impression that gaming comments would be a part of the pub. Not trying to put any pressure on anyone. Sorry if that is how it came across. I can change my perception and let the Pub be what is is.


As for that I am a huge fan of SL and I am only playing actively since about 4 weeks.
Invested quite a bit in the game but so far got 100% ROI got lucky with some gold foil legendaries :D

I still have my deck, but I confess that I have been quite idle on it.

If you are not playing you should lease them out on peakmosters. You can make a decent passive income :) it is not much but it ads up :)

I know that... It's just so many things lately... =) going to play some games... 🤑

Anything you wanna discuss... the Pub is not going to enforce any topic. The things suggested on the post only trailing leads for people that are finding the Pub for the first time, and helpers when there are no discussion ideas.


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