 3 years ago (edited) 

AHhhhhhhhhh!!! Mate... I assumed it was the token!

Not an NFT 😱 LOLOL

Post fixed!

All good! I just loved that idea of St8z and had to create something forging this white paper into history :)

LOL... Can you do one for this Pub? Whenever it creates enough creativity in you, at the right time... does not need to be now.

I will buy one!

Absolutely :) do you want it in the same style? ;)

I have no preference... the main idea would just to make it resemble that we are talking about a pub for example...

I am quite busy doing my normal job now but as soon™️ I find the time I will do an outstanding piece of art.
How many nfts shall I mint?

Maybe 10? The ideal would be for them to last for a while, some weeks and then if you wanna do another version when them kind of exhaust, it would kind of cool. I would say, target the quantity for the time you think they will take to be "bought", and the next time you would be willing to create another set.