Reflection Hunters Contest Round 137: Reflections on the Cultural Building Glass Windows

in Shadow Hunters8 months ago (edited)

Hello fellow Hivers!

Last Wednesday afternoon, we went to the Golf Course to unwind together with my daughter and youngest son. Along the way we saw many buildings and what caught my attention were the glass windows. Seeing the reflections on those glass windows made me so excited to take photos so I will have an entry in this week's Reflection Hunters Contest Round 137.

This is the reflection found on the first window of the Cultural Heritage Center Building. This is my entry.

The reflection found on the second window of the Cultural Heritage Center Building

The reflection found on the third window of the Cultural Heritage Center Building

I have taken these three photos as we were on our way to the Golf Course. The sun was still shining but not that hot since dark clouds were slowly forming in the sky. The reflections that showed on the glass windows were still clear despite the presence of those dark clouds.


This one was taken on our way home. Some cars were parked at the side of the building and those were visible on the glass windows but the shot was not clear enough since we were a little distant from the building. The trees and the College of Engineering were also a little visible in these reflections shown.

That will be all for now. Thanks for reading, guys!

See you after doing my laundry.

Sending love to you all,


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Thanks @hivebuzz!

Go for it @aezielove! You've got what it takes to reach your new target on Hive.

Ganda ng reflection. Hanap nga ako ng glass window maya haha.

Salamat sis. Sige sis para may pang entry ka na, hehehe.

Good luck!🤩♥️🤙

Thank you! :-)

Nice shots sis! Ala pa ako entry dito.

Thank you sis. Pangita na sis, hehehe.

Puhon sis pg mkakita..

Yay! 🤗
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