Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 167 swimming towards the sky / nadando hacia el cielo

in Shadow Hunterslast month


Here you can see 4 beautiful cinemas that are in the center of Las Aguas de Moices hot springs that are in eastern Venezuela in the state of Sucre.

Those cinemas are seen swimming peacefully and reflected in the water, a mountain and a beautiful sky, so it is as if the cinemas were swimming towards the sky, since they not only fly in the sky but through that reflection they swim in the sky , this creates a beautiful painting that is adorned with those beautiful birds, the swans.

These hot springs are not only hot lakes but also lakes with sulfurous waters or other lakes where there are beautiful birds that give an air of tranquility, and thus complement the de-stressing treatment of the site.

I hope you like this selection, waiting for your comments or suggestions.


Aqui se ven 4 hermosos cines que estan en el centro de aguas termales las aguas de moices que estan en el oriente de venezuela en el estado sucre.

Esos cines se ven nadando apasiblemente y reflejado en el agua una montaña y un bello cielo hermosa asi que es como si los cines estuvieran nadando hacia el cielo, ya que no solo vuelan en el cielo si no a travez de ese reflejo nadan en el cielo, esto crea un hermoso cuadro que es adornado con esas bellas aves los cisnes.

Estas aguas termales no solo hay lagos calientes si no lagos de aguas sulfurosas u otros lagos en donde hay aves bellas que dan un aire de tranquilidad, y asi complementan el tratamiento desetresante del sitio.

Espero que les guste esta selección esperando sus comentarios o sugerencias


Hello dear friend @alfrin good morning
What a beautiful pond and what a beautiful photograph of reflections you have taken, congratulations
have a great day

Thank you for appreciating this beautiful scene that highlights God's creation and with its reflection makes it even more beautiful.