Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest Round 285

in Shadow Hunters9 months ago

This is my entry into the Shadow Hunters Community Contest Round 285 by @melinda010100

To take part and also have a look at the contest rules check out the link:

Hello good people, we have been having some rains lately but the sun surprised all and showed up. Then it was time to hunt for cool shadows. I went out into the streets within my vicinity to hunt for shadows.

First, I saw a tricycle popularly called "Keke" parkwd at the roadside and it made a nice shadow. I took a shot and here is it.

This is a close shot of the tricycle.

Then further down the street, a jeep, red in colour was also parked and it made a a cool shadow. Here is the Shadow too.

Here is also a close capture by me

This last picture is my entry picture for this round of the shadow hunting.

That's all for now. I hope you like the shadows too. Let me know what you feel about them in the comment section. All images are original and are mine too. I captured them with my Infinix Android Phone. Thanks for viewing my blog.


Yay! 🤗
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Good job focusing on the Shadow! Great vehicle shadows!


Wave Media

Thanks for your kind words.


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Hello dear friend @alovely088 good morning
You surprise us again with beautiful shadow shots
Excellent shots, I appreciate you sharing these beautiful shadow images with us.
enjoy the weekend

Wow, am glad you liked it. ThanKs for your kind words friend. I appreciate.